Dinner Double Date (NehpetsEnal, baileygaines, Mysterious Dryad, Ruechari)

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God my head hurts - NehpetsEnal

As I awoke, it was as if an earthquake was happening in my head. I couldn't remember a thing, then recalled the night before. Annie had invited Brody and his new partner Bella to dinner.

It wasn't a problem but would have preferred if she'd discussed it with me first. We are still in the process of restoration, busy getting the Liberty Belle, 'Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion', after the cyclone. Plus, I had this feeling we were playing happy families to impress Brody.

With that thought another sharp and stabbing pain pierced my brain, I rolled over to discover the other side of the bed was empty, but to my relief it was warm. Annie was the perfect hostess, she'd talked AJ into doing the food, it was simply amazing and now know why Pap wanted him to join our team.

Both Brody and Bella were dressed to impress, apart from his boots but he was the one who makes it a joke, albeit was at my expense, asking if I'd ever walked outside in mine, or were they ornaments worn on special occasions

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Both Brody and Bella were dressed to impress, apart from his boots but he was the one who makes it a joke, albeit was at my expense, asking if I'd ever walked outside in mine, or were they ornaments worn on special occasions.

I was surprised how well we got on, as you'd expect the early conversation was a bit stilted and uneasy. It all started as a joke we were already several sheets to the wind and laughing hysterically when Bella asked if we'd had previous plans for the evening.

 It all started as a joke we were already several sheets to the wind and laughing hysterically when Bella asked if we'd had previous plans for the evening

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Annie replied with a simple no, I on the other hand hesitated, and the floodgates opened, and they proceeded to bombard me with questions. Under pressure I reply.

Well, it was supposed to be a special evening shared alone with Annie, a candle dinner for two.

Annie's jaw dropped in shock was I trying to ruin the evening. There were some oohs and aahs and cheeky comments before Brody with interest asked why.

 There were some oohs and aahs and cheeky comments before Brody with interest asked why

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