Project Poetry (crazyp01, MysteriousDryad)

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Project Poetry

Finished up a poem 

nothing out of the norm 

a smile on my face. 

A poet at heart 

my favorite art.

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Deep down, 

 I want to see 

it outside my notebook. 



Could ask CG 

anyways possible? 

 I went to the newspaper office 

She was working hard 

she's definitely a star.  

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Knocked on the door, 

"May I come in?"


Last night was a blast 

Problems surfacing 

from the past.

They are all in danger 

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They are all in danger 

It is my fault. 

I shouldn't wait 

For something major.

I'll have to tell ... talk to 

The sheriff? Rue? The mayor? 

But too who?

I need to calm my nerves first 

So, I focused on my work 

Hoping this couldn't get worst.

That's when I heard the knock

Bella had dropped by

She wanted to talk.


Something was on her mind

that I could tell 

from her facial expressions

and her posture 

but I wouldn't ask.

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"Is it possible 

to share my poems

in the newspaper? 

Working at the stable 

and for you as well?

Wish to see my poems

outside of my notebook

not always laying there 

where no eyes can see." 

Curiously I asked.


"Bella! That's a brilliant idea

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"Bella! That's a brilliant idea

I can give you a column 

The poems will reach people."

"But the first one will free 

No payment on that one 

You know to check readability."

We both agreed 

And the deal was done 

We were sure to succeed.

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