Rue's Answer (Ruechari)

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Rue's Answer

"No, I don't think so," Rue said,

Standing up from her spot on the bed.

Jacob scrambled up from the floor.

To try and reach Rue before

She could possibly get away

Not sure what more he could say.

But she was well on her way.

He followed her down the hall.

"I just want to know why is all?"

Rue stopped abruptly and soon

Jacob realized they were standing

Outside of her room.

"You just going to abandon me here?"

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"You just going to abandon me here?"

"No, I thought my intentions were clear."

She gave him a deceptive grin.

Looked at him and asked,

"Aren't you coming in?"

Jacob wondered if this was some sort of test.

Stayed put afraid to take another step.

Rue shrugged, "Okay suit yourself."

She went inside and pulled a box off the shelf.

The gift-wrapped box she handed him.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Craven."

"This is for me?"

"Since I just gave it to you, I'd say it must be."

He opened the package in a hurry

The wrapping fell in a flurry.

He opened the box to find

A hand-carved flute of some kind.

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