An Unpleasant Surprise

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I entered the contest, youngwritersprize, so it would mean a lot if you vote for this chapter!  thnx guys! :)

Chapter 1

Guys, you wouldn't believe what happened to me.

I'm Angela by the way and I'm 16 years old. I'm a normal teenager who-

Wait let me rephrase that. I was a normal teenager who went to school. I have a best friend and a family who cares about me, but gosh knows where my family was when it happened. Still Abby and my family mean everything to me. Abby and I are like peanut butter and jelly. We're so opposite of each other but we blend well together like peanut butter and jelly. You can say that the bread portrays the bond of our friendship. She's brave and break sometimes the rules. Unlike her I'm shy and I always follow the rules. So you can say that I'm more angelic.

Now you're thinking what happened to me?

Well, I can tell you that I was kidnapped by some psychotic twisted people who think that they can get everything they want. They took me gosh knows where. Those were the most awful days of my life. I just want to forget what happened on those dark eerie days. That's why I wrote everything down of this nightmare. They say if you want to get something out of your system, write it down. So I did just that. So here you go, this is my story.

It all started when I was standing by a doorway saying good bye to my piano teacher on a cold winter night in December. "Bye Mr. Woods, I'll see you next week." I said with a smile on my face to the tall man that was standing right in front of me.

"Bye Angela, are you sure you want to walk home? It's getting dark and it looks like it's going to snow, I can give you a ride." he said politely.

"Don't worry, Mr. Woods, my home is only two blocks away and I don't mind a little exercising. I was sitting on the piano chair for an hour, but thank you for the offer." I said with a polite smile.

"No problem Angela. Okay, bye then. Make sure you are home before it starts to snow though." he said sternly.

"Okay, I will. Bye." I said with a promising tone and waved at him. I started walking towards my house. It wasn't that cold so I got my blue IPod Nano from my pocket, put my ear plugs in my ears and shuffled my Ipod. It landed on WANEGBT by Taylor Swift. As I was jamming to the song I didn't notice a black jeep parked in front of my house. I heard the sound of a door closing, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

When I passed the jeep to enter my yard someone suddenly grabbed my right arm tightly. Confusion and fear washed over me instantly. I didn't look at who the culprit was as I tried to yank my arm from his grip, but it didn't work. Because of his strong grip I could tell that he was the opposite sex. He was holding my arm too tight. He turned me around with force to face him. Because of the spin my IPod Nano went flying into the air and it fell on the ground. I never found that little fella again. I was now face to face with a gloomy dark figure wearing a black mask. He had a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. I surpassed the level of afraid, I was now terrified! I tried again to get out of his strong grip, but he pushed me towards his chest and held my tiny hands tightly in his big hand.

Tiny white dots started falling down from the sky and blurred my vision. My vision became blurrier by the second as the white dots were increasing in quantity. I looked up to the sky and thought what a great timing sarcastically. I attempted to get out of his strong grip once more by trying to kick him anywhere but suddenly I was faced with a wet soft cloth covering my nose and mouth. Instantly my senses caught the strong smell of chloroform and it started to cloud my head. I felt that my legs would give in any second. Before everything went dark I heard him say

"Sweet dreams Angela."



Note: this chapter has been edited.

Here's a pic of Angela on your right :)

Here it is, finally! :D The first chapter of my new story! :)

What do you guys think about the storyline? :)

I will now work on two stories at the same time: My teenage love life? and An unpleasant surprise.

Sorry, that it's short, I want to have a cliffhanger :P (haha)

What do you guys think what will happen next? & what do you think is the unpleasant surprise (he)? :P

Hope you like it! :)

If you do vote/comment/fan 0:) xx

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