Stupid Decisions

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Previously on An Unpleasant Surprise...

As I was about to kiss him back someone knocked on the door. He got really mad and got off of me.

The Hell Angela?! You almost kissed your kidnapper; wait let me rephrase that a psychotic kidnapper!

He walked towards the door and before he got out of the room he said angry "Your fault Angela! Your fault!" He closed the door from behind him.

I wasn't stuck, tied or handcuffed, but it was too good to be true. He came back into the room as soon as he remembered. He walked towards and grabbed my hands. He tight them up and pulled me up from the bed. "Let's go see your friend Ally Anny oh yeah Abby" When I heard Abby's name I said "Abby!" I'm going to see her! I thought to myself and felt all bubbly inside. He dragged me out of the room and made its way towards another room.

Chapter 15

Abby's POV

I was lying on the bed while Jason was hovering over me. I didn't dare to do anything more. I just lay frozen under him, not dare to even breathe. He gazed at me and a smirk made its way to his face. "Finally, you've learned your lesson" I didn't say anything. "Ahh, not that feisty anymore." he continued and pouted.

Geez, what is the matter with these guys?! They are all sick in their heads

I just kept staring at the ceiling, not making any eye contact with this psycho. "Look at me." he demanded. I didn't obey; I just kept staring at the ceiling. My face held no emotion. He sighed and said menacingly "I said look at me"

Suddenly the stubborn character came back to me , so I kept my gaze on the ceiling. He sighed again and suddenly grabbed my chin roughly. "D*mn it Abby, I told you too look at me" he said with anger. He was holding my chin tightly, so I couldn't move my head. My eyes began to water, but I held the tears back. That was the last thing that I wanted Jason to see, my vulnerable side. I finally got the courage and looked straight into his green eyes. "Happy now?!" I snapped. I didn't care right now who he was. If he was a psycho or murderer, I still didn't care. I've reached my boiling point. What the hell did he think he was?! Like he was my master or boss.

No one bosses me around I thought to myself annoyed.

I took notice that he also had reached his boiling point by the look he was giving me. You know in cartoons when someone reached their boiling point his face turns red and you see smoke coming from his ears. Well that was exactly how his face was, except the smoke coming from his ears of course. He held my chin tighter and pushed my head roughly. "What did I just tell you? Do not talk to me like that" he yelled with anger lusting in his tone. He sighed and continued "You just don't listen to me Abby." He let go of my chin and put his arms crossed behind his head. He shook his head and sighed.

He suddenly got off of me and made its way to his closet. Instead of opening the closet, he took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. His action took me by surprise and I didn't want to know what he was going to do next. He walked towards me with a smirk on his face and jumped on top of me. "Let's start this over, you'll do anything that I tell you to do and everyone will be happy" He said in a calm tone. Yep, this guy is definitely bipolar.

What are you talking about? I will not be happy, neither will Angela and my family.

I didn't respond to him so he continued "or do you want me to get the knife again or no, I have something better, a gun"

My eyes were now wide open by the fear that crept into my mind. He realized that and said with a menacing tone "If you don't obey, I'll blow your brains out or maybe even shot Angela if we catch her." He emphasized Angela's name and I gulped. I was now trembling because of the fear that was running through my body. I nodded slowly not realizing I was obeying him. "It's settle then" he said with a victory and wicked smile. He then leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back because I was scared for dear life. Suddenly a pang of guilt rushed through me, like I was doing something wrong. But then I remembered


I broke the kiss and turned my head to the other side so he couldn't kiss me anymore. He groaned and said sternly "Why did you break the kiss? I thought we had a deal."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "I can't do this." I whispered. He didn't hear me because he asked me again why I broke the kiss but more loudly now. "I said I can't do this." I yelled at him. He was shocked at what I just said but then he got angry and hit the bed hard with his fist. "What the hell Abby?! So what if you can't do it, I'll force you. I don't care what you feel."

"But I can't do this to him." I said without thinking and regretted it the second his face turned red by the anger that was jumbled up in him. "Who the hell is he?" he said with such venom on his tongue. His eyes turned a shade darker and by that I realized that I was now in deep sh*t! I turned a shade lighter, because of how frighten I was. I have never seen an eye color turned a shade darker. I didn't realize that I didn't answer him. My mind was somewhere else, cursing at myself why my mouth had slipped.

He suddenly got off of me and stood right in front of me. He put his arms crossed behind his head and shook his head. I've realized that he did that a lot when he was frustrated. He looked me straight in the eyes and snapped "I said who the hell is he?! Answer me Abby!"

I shrink a little by his gaze but I still had my voice. "A guy." I muttered under my breath. He sighed and said "Really Abby? Are we going to play this game?" He sighed again and continued "You know what, I'll grab my knife. That will let you speak up."

As he was making his way to his desk to grab the knife I supposed, I yelled "Wait, stop!" I sighed and said defeated "I'll tell you everything you want to know."

A smirk made its way to his face and he said "That's how I like it."

I sighed and said "His name is Daniel and he's a cop."

At the word 'cop' he stiffened and he said " Go on."

I was confused and said "What more do you want to know?"

"How did you guys meet?"

I let out a long breathe and thought to myself I don't have the control anymore, let me just tell him what happened

So I told him everything; when they were chasing me, how he saved me and also that Daniel and I kissed.

After I was finished telling him the story he didn't say anything. His face was emotionless, like he was trying to progress what he had just heard. Suddenly realization dawned on him and anger was boiling inside of him.

Now you've done it Abby

"I'll kill him!" he spat out furiously and stomped to the door. He opened the door, walked out of his room and slammed the door hard behind him close. I started to panic and asked myself hopelessly

What have I done?!



THUN THUN THUN What did Abby just do?

Here it is guys , finally, chapter 15!

What do you guys think?

Learned more about Abby and Jason?

Oeehh Abby has some feelings for Daniel (Aww moment)

If you like it

vote/comment/fan :)

X Cathy

P.S Expect an update soon!

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