An Unpleasant Chase

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Previously on An Unpleasant Surprise....

"Tsk Tsk Angela" he said while shaking his head. "If you did what I say nothing would've happened. But sadly you did so you're going to be punished, too bad for you." He continued. At his last sentence my back hit the bathroom wall and I was a goner. There was no way out now. He was standing in front of me and he had a smirk on his face. Suddenly he grabbed me by my neck with one hand and started squeeze my neck tightly. I couldn't breathe because he was choking me. He was enjoying it because he had a wicked smile on his face. After a few seconds he let go and I could breathe again. The torture wasn't over yet. He then grabbed my arms and held them on top of my head. I tried to break free from his grip but he was too strong. He got a cloth from his pocket. "Wha-what are you going to do?" I stuttered.

He smirked and said "This!" He put the cloth on my nose and mouth and in a matter of seconds everything went black.


Chapter 8

Abby's POV

I was pacing back and forth in my room worrying about Angela. I didn't go to her house like she told me to. Yep, this time I wasn't being rebellious, because this was something serious.

Why didn't she call me back? Should I maybe call her? Did Lucas find the phone? Is she okay? All these questions were running through my head.

Okay, maybe I should call her, to look if she's okay, but if I call her maybe he'll find the phone! Ahh I'm getting a headache.

I glanced at the clock that was on my nightstand and saw that it was almost 5:30 PM. I walked to my window and looked outside to see how the weather was.

It looks like it's going to snow

I glanced back at the clock and thought to myself

Maybe I should call Angela's parents and then go to the police station or go first to the police station and then call Angela's parents.

I took one last glance out the window and made my decision to go first to the police station. I grabbed my boots from the floor and put them on. Then I walked out of the room and grabbed my jacket on my way out. I walked to my red jeep and went inside. I started the engine and drove to the police station.

I arrived there as quickly as I could. I got out of the car and burst through the doors of the police station. Every cop stopped with what they were doing and turned their heads to me. I looked around to see which cop I could ask for help. The words "emergency service" on a board caught my eye. I followed the board to see where it pointed at. It pointed at a desk where a man in his sixties was sitting. He was looking a little uninterested. There was also another desk behind him and there, was a man sitting who looked really young. He could've been 18 or 19. I walked towards the desk and sat on the chair waiting for him to speak.

He sighed and said "Yes, can I help you?"

Ugh, what a nerve he has!

"My friend Angela is in danger. She's been kidnapped by a guy named Lucas. She called me on the phone and she said to me to not go to her house because it can be dangerous." I said in a panic tone.

"Where are her parents?" he asked me like nothing was happening.

"They are on a business trip." I said to him a little impatiently.

He looked me up and down and asked "Did you call her parents yet?"

"No, I thought -" He interrupted me and said "Listen here, maybe she's with her parents right now, call her parents first and then I'll believe you."

An Unpleasant Surprise (slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now