An Unpleasant Feeling

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Previously on An Unpleasant Surprise...

I held for dear life on to the windowsill and pushed myself further out the window but he was pulling at my leg. "Let go." I said with anger.

He laughed and said "Why should I?" That was my cue. As he was laughing I kicked him in the face and he let go of my leg. I pushed myself out the window and landed on the lawn. He tried to grab my leg again but it was too late I was already outside and the window was too small for him. He growled and started to run back to his room. I got up and ran for dear life.

Suddenly I notice a cop trying to open the door of the mansion. I ran to him and said with panic in my voice "They got Abby but we have to go now!" He murmured something that I couldn't hear and nodded. He grabbed my hand and started to run to his car. I followed him and got into his car. He started the engine and the car drove away.


Chapter 10

Angela's POV

It was silent in the car. The only thing that was filling the silence was the heavy breathing of the cop and me. I was still breathing heavily because of the situation I was just in. When we both finally calmed down he asked me "You're Angela?"

"Yes" I answered him. All the questions that were running through my mind, I blurted it out in one breathe "Did you come with Abby? How did you find me? Who are you actually? " But before he could answer my questions I started panicking and said "They have Abby! How are we going to find her? What is Jason going to do to her? Why are we driving away, turn the car around!" I got a hold of the wheel and started to turn the car around.

"Woow! What are you doing?! Stop!" he yelled at me and tried to control the car. When I realize what I was doing I took my hands of the wheel and said to him "Sorry."

What the hell did I just do?! Am I going insane?

The cop pulled the car on the side of the road and turned to me. "It's okay but calm down, I'm here to help you." I nodded and was calmed down. "I'm Daniel by the way." he said and told me how he met Abby and how they followed Lucas and his gang. He also told me about the cases of the girls.

"Yeah, I found out, but why have the cops never looked for them?" I asked him confused.

"Because all the girls had showed up the next day so they think it was just a joke" He said.

So they didn't kill them

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach because realization dawned on me that he never would have let me go because he thinks that he found the one. "That's why he kept saying that I'm perfect for him, but why didn't the girls say something to the cops?" I said to him.

"Because none of them couldn't remember anything."

I was shocked at what he just said and thought to myself

They are more dangerous than I thought!

"But what are we going to do now?" I asked him.

"We can track her via her mobile phone so let's go to the police station." he said and put the car in drive. He went back on the road and drove further.

Abby's POV

It was pitch black. I heard some voices from afar and felt something was caressing my cheek. Suddenly it all came back to me like a kaleidoscope of memories. I woke up and stood up straight. I noticed that I was lying on the backseat of a car. Suddenly two hands grabbed me by my waist. It startled me and I got mad. I turned around and slapped someone on the cheek. And saw it was Jason. He was sitting next to me and it looked like I was laying my head on his lap.

An Unpleasant Surprise (slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now