Saved By A Phone Call

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Previously on An Unpleasant Surprise...

He approached me and stared right into my light blue eyes with a serious face. "You really need to go,eh."

"Yes, please, I can't hold it any longer." I said.

He bought it and said "Fine! But make it quick and don't tell Lucas." He took the remote from the desk and pressed a button. I wasn't stuck on the bed anymore.

I stood up and asked him "uhm..where is the bathroom?"

"Oh right, it's right after that door." he said and pointed at a door.

"Okay, thnx!"

"I'll be in the living room, call me when I have to pinned you back on the bed." He said bluntly. "uhh..will do." He got out of the room and I went into the bathroom. When I heard the door closed I got out of the bathroom.

Okay, where would he hide my phone? I have to be quick, before time runs out. Abby please be safe!


<~Chapter 6~>

I walked to his desk, opened the drawers and looked for my mobile phone in them, but it wasn't in there.


I closed the drawers and looked around the room.

Think Angela think, where will he hide a phone? Hmm...Wait, maybe in his closet!

As I was going to run to his closet Jason yelled "Are you done yet?" I stopped in my tracks and yelled the first thing that popped up in my head.

"Not yet, uhh.. I have the cramps."

"Oh, do you need something?" He yelled back.

"Uhh no, I'm okay, I get cramps usually.." I yelled back.

"Uh ooh, no it's okay, don't tell me more." He yelled back and I heard he went back into the living room.

Yes, succeeded I thought with a smile on my face.

I rushed to his closet and opened it slowly. Thank gosh it didn't make any noise. I went through his clothes, but didn't find my phone. Just before I was going to give up something caught my eye that was in the corner of the closet right next to his shoes. It was a carton box and on it was written BELONGINGS. A feeling of relieve washed over me and I grabbed the box and walked to his bed. I put the box on his bed and opened it. And there it was my mobile phone. There were other stuff in the box but they didn't matter to me. A smile made its way to my face and I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and saw that I had a bunch of messages from Abby. But I didn't have the time to read them.mI dialed Abby's number as fast as I could and put the phone to my ear. I thought it will be better to go in the bathroom. So I walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

Here I was safe.

Abby's POV

When I got the food I said bye to the cashier and walked to my car. As I was about to open the car door my phone began to ring. I put the bags of food on the car roof and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I looked on the screen and saw it was Angela calling.


I answered the phone as quickly as possible. "Angela! OMG, where are you? Why didn't you message me back? Why aren't you coming to school? You had me worried!" All these sentences I was able to say in one breathe.

"Jade, Jade, Jade! Listen to me! Don't go to my house." Angela said through the phone in a low voice.

"huh? Why not? You're not at home?" I asked her with confusion.

An Unpleasant Surprise (slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now