39 - She's Protecting Me

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Cameron -

Nobody was telling me what was going on, and, observing Deon, he obviously knew things that I didn't.

He wanted to lie to me? Fine, whatever.

But from the second I laid my eyes on Kristwen, I knew something was off about her and now it's clear she's working at some bigger game here. If Carter didn't somehow see that, then she wasn't who I thought she was.

I was getting tired of her shutting me out, too. I knew she had the right to a private life, but the degree she took it to was ridiculous. After all of the progress we've made as friends, I can't believe she's ignoring me again.

The frustrating part? I knew that she didn't want to ignore me. She wore conflict like it was the latest fashion trend.

I was damn tired of her being too afraid to let me in.

As Deontae, Xavier, Braxton, and Parker left the building, I pulled out my phone. I tapped on the familiar contact and pressed the call icon.

It rang. And rang. And rang some more.

When it went to voicemail, I angrily hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. As I did this, a voice caught my attention.

"He's been stalking you?"

"Yes! I'm scared shitless. And now that I've told Hathaway, I'm worried he'll actually do something.."

I watched the two girls talk about me with disgust. Kristwen was feeding her bullshit to Elsie, who seemed to be eating it up like it was her dinner.

"I'm so sorry! If you want, you can stay the night at my house." Elsie offered.

Kristwen smiled but shook her head. "It's okay, my family's home so they'll be with me. But thank you."

Elsie nodded, wished her luck, and skipped down the hall to the front parking lot.

Not Elsie...

When she was out of sight, I marched up to the remaining girl with fury.

"What fucking game are you playing, Kristwen?"

She jumped back with surprise.

"Excuse me?" She asked, putting one hand on her hip.

"I don't know what the hell you think that I did to you, but this is fucked up. Why would you go around lying to everyone about me? You know I would never touch you."

"Cameron, it's nothing personal. Just business."

"Business? What is wrong with you?"

She glanced behind me. I turned around and saw Hathaway, watching us carefully.

"Just stay away from Gray and nothing will happen." She finished, walking away.

I threw my hands in my hair and pulled with frustration.

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted, yanking the back door open and stomping away.

That night, I hardly got any sleep. Why did everything have to come between Carter and me? Why the hell would Kristwen make shit up?

Was she jealous?

To be fair, there were several occasions in which Kristwen flirted with Carter. She had also made it very clear to everyone that she was bisexual, even though she denied it.

But that was ridiculous!

It's Kristwen. Maybe she really does want Carter all to herself.

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