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*Trigger Warning:
moderate profanity, moderate violence & abuse, mild self-harm, some disturbing scenes.
but I can tell you now that
there isn't any smut in this
so...sorry to burst your bubble :(

Exert -

"But just look at the world around you, Love. There's messes everywhere with unclear answers. Don't give up yet." She told me gently.

"I know, but I just wish that this was less confusing."

"Well, things are gonna get confusing after a while, but you can't just stop trying. You've got to search harder for the answer; maybe it's somewhere you haven't looked yet. Someday you'll trip over a rock that's harder than this, and bandaids won't just stare you in the face. You won't know what to do. So prepare yourself for that day, baby."

"I'm gonna trip over a rock?" I asked, eyes widening with worry.

She shook her head, the bubbly symphony of her laughs echoing in the room. "No. I mean you're going to be in trouble one day and you won't know how to get out of it. Like this, but tougher."

"You mean I'll have to go through this again? But even harder? Ugh, I won't make it." I sighed heavily.

"No. I know you will. It just won't be so black and white. It'll between the two."

"So it'll be just grey?"

She revealed her big, beautiful smile to me as if I had understood all that is right and wrong in the world. Kissing the top of my head, she whispered, "Exactly."

Synopsis -

Names only exist simply for our convenience, and, sometimes, enjoyment. Names don't matter. Names shouldn't matter.

What's your daily routine? Does your morning involve you waking up after a great few dreams, getting dressed, taking a shower, brushing your hair & teeth, and eating breakfast? Do you go to school or church for a few hours, have as much fun as possible, and then come home to a neat house with a loving family waiting for you? You relax, and eventually all come together for a home-cooked meal or even take-out? And lastly, let me guess, you brush your teeth again, maybe spend time on social media or the internet, and simply fall asleep?

Imagine your day just like that, but instead of waking up happy every day, you wake up alert, and instead of having cereal or a granola bar for breakfast, you don't eat at all. Instead of leaving the house without disruptions, you have to sneak out, and instead of going to school, you're going to a daily organizational camp for disturbed teens and young adults where you work all day. Instead of only being there for six or seven hours, you're there until dinner time, and when you finally get home, no food is on the table or even being prepared. Instead of socializing with your family about your day, you're in your room, drowning out the world with alcohol, and instead of falling asleep peacefully, you pass out, and wake up only to remember nothing of the night before's events.

Not everyone's day goes the same, especially not in the Dare and Coastal Community; home to the freaks, the socios and psychos, the outcasts, the wannabes, the delinquents, and the screw-ups. Exactly where I fit in.

My name? My story?

That's just another gray area.

Author's Note -

*This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, scenes, phrases, and ideas are my own, and all quotes, pictures, and inspirations will be credited. Any that are not credited and have resemblance to someone else's work is by sole coincidence. If you do believe I am unrightfully stealing from another book, movie, poem, or person, please personally message me and I will sort it out.

*This is copyrighted. Piracy is a punishable crime, and I love all of my work, so please don't use any of it without asking for my permission and fully crediting me.

Throughout the story, as new major characters are introduced (meaning they are actually having a conversation with one of the main characters), I will alongside them include aesthetics that I feel match them and their personalities. Each should at least include a face & skintone, hairstyle & color, body TYPE (not skintone!), and eyes/eye color. Sometimes all will be separate, sometimes aspects will be combined (ex: if I had a full face and no eyes, then it would be safe to assume that the eyes on the face are also the eyes of that character. you'll see later).

Please realize that most of the pictures I use will be off of the internet. Some will be of my own photography as well, but I most likely won't say when and what pictures are my own.

*The characters' opinions, ideas, or views aren't always my own so please do not hold any of their thoughts against me.

Some parts of this story may get a little bit religious (christian). It definitely won't be a heavy theme, but it is included in some chapters so if you're not a christian, please don't get offended. There's something in this story for everyone and I hope each reader enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it.

Honestly, I've never put this much effort into a story. I'll admit, I'm defensive of this story, my characters, and of everything they go through. Now, I'll go ahead and call myself a grammar nazi, so I don't really care if you point out my mistakes, if anything, I'd appreciate it so this can become better-edited.

Any writing tips? Covers (please this one sucks)? Read for read & follow for follow? PM me <3

And while I'm here, boring you out of your mind, I'll add that you should follow me on instagram: @itskateanyways (same as wattpad username lol).

Anyways, to end it all, thank you guys all so much for clicking or tapping on "Just Gray", previously known as "Just Another Gray Area". It really means a lot to me that it even grabbed your attention. If you like this, please share and help other people see it! Don't forget to vote on chapters you like (or even somewhat like ;)), comment where you laughed, comment where you got pissed, comment where you cried, comment where you felt awkward or cringed, comment just for the hell of it, and follow my profile!

One more thing (I promise, hehe): Enjoy it, lovelies!

- Kate

Just Grey: In a Black & White WorldWhere stories live. Discover now