29 - They're Pathetic

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Deon -

It's amazing what one can find out about a person from her routine, her house, and her friends. And under only six weeks - it'd be difficult not to wonder what she was truly like.

After so long of trying to uncover all of the things that made me who I was, I was finally ready to bring myself about into my true origins.

Watching her walk into the house she lived in, I grew suspicious as to what could happen behind the closed doors. The strange thing was that after this long of watching her, the parents I'd seen looked nothing like the ones in the pictures.

Answers will come soon. And so will vengeance.

With that thought alive in my head, I finally revealed myself without any kind of cover. Subconsciously, I fixed my watch so that it aligned perfectly with my hand before closing the door to my black dodge and crossing the street. No car dared to even turn on the road as I walked over it.

The wind smacked at my flesh, but I didn't waver. Muffled noises radiated from the house, mostly of laughter and music.

The residents were, no doubt, getting high or wasted again. It's all they ever did.

She disgusted me.

As I stepped past the over-grown weeds and crooked driveway, I chose to ignore the eyes I could feel watching me.

Nothing could get in my way.

Deciding that it was time to meet the girl I had forever been wondering about, I knocked three times on the worn-down brown door.

Precisely six seconds later, it cracked open and the familiar mixed girl stood before me.

I briefly remembered what it was like when she was struggling out of my grasp, screaming for help. I remembered the way the guy that I'd seen with her several times had defended not just his own life, but hers too. In fact, I remembered how he prioritized her and seemed to always be around her. It was obvious something was going on between them.

Who cares about her relationship? You're here to do your business, not find out about her social life.

Of course. How could I be so...considerate? I wasn't here to bond, I was here for revenge. An explanation. Maybe....Acceptance.

Her body was concealed with black and white joggers and a red crop top that read, "please refrain from touching the artwork" in a cursive black font. Her hair was pulled back into a low, messy bun, which allowed her natural curls to wildly burst out of the scrunchie.

Despite looking as if she had just crawled out of bed, she appeared ready for anything.

Entitled little bitch, I thought with venom.

"Um, can I help you?" She asked.

This was the first thing she had ever said directly to me. She sounded so sweet with her melodic voice; the voice of someone who'd sing her children to sleep. However, somewhere in the innocent, inviting sound, there was a tone of hardness. I knew I wasn't wrong; I had witnessed her attitude and power for myself. She wasn't a girl to mess with.

Too bad I was going to. I was going to ruin her perfect, blissful little fairytale life and make sure she realized the hell mine had been.

I threw on my most plastic polite smile.

"Hello, it's Carter, right?"

She froze like she had seen a ghost.

"How did you..." She coughed, excused herself, and continued smoothly, "Do we know each other?"

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