11 - He's Not What I Thought

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I opened the heavy brown back entrance door to the church building and entered. At the sound of my combat boots hitting the hard floor and the breeze that entered from outside, all eyes were on me. Almost.

Before I could feel anxious under everyone's gazes, I noticed the situation playing at my station a few yards away.

Xavier and Cameron were head-to-head, and Braxton and Parker weren't breaking it up. All of the eyes left me and were returned to them.

"...And technically 'mut' is correct, but at least I'm not a bitch." Cameron spat, shoving Xavier and making him stumble backwards.

Cameron took his eyes away for a moment to look at Parker, whose hands were balled into fists as if he would blow any moment.

I knew better than to mess with that. He didn't seem like much, but when Parker got angry, it wasn't pretty. I wanted so badly to get Cameron out of there, but I couldn't move.

What the hell was Cameron doing anyways? Why did he find it necessary to put his hands on Xavier? I know he can be an ass, but fighting only ever makes things worse.

While Cameron wasn't looking, Xavier pushed him back, and he fell to the floor. Part of me was screaming at me to go help him up and tell the boys to screw off, but the other part, the stubborn and protective part, was whispering, "Run. That's exactly what you don't need any more of."

And so I did. I ran. I ran into the service room to hide from everyone. Although I was pissed at Owen, I didn't want to keep leaving because I knew I wasn't supposed to. Hell, I wasn't supposed to even be gone for over two hours each week, but I left for nearly an hour every day. Owen didn't care, but there were limits.

I knew Cameron followed me. He was walking towards me - I felt his presence. Trying to ignore him and give him the memo to leave me alone, I held my face in my hands and fought the tears.

The cushioned seat next to me let out air as if Cameron sat on it. Holding my sob back, I tried to wait him out.

"I'm sorry ab-"

"Don't. Please just go." I choked out.

He sighed. I heard a few noises of shuffling until the door to the large room shut. Picking my head up, I checked to make sure that I was alone. Thankfully, I was.

I was dreading that night. It was their anniversary, which meant we would be stuck together in the house.

Thank God I have my bike; I'll be able to leave.

A tear fell onto my palm and I wiped my cheeks, trying to get rid of the evidence because I knew that the stage crew would be in here any second to help get ready for the ceremony. Just as expected, they showed up only minutes later.

Time passed until it was three fifty-eight, and everyone was being rounded up. Only one more team and two authorizers were expected; the others were all here.

All of the students were sitting in the rows, most closer to the front. I was several rows too far, but no one bothered me. They knew to just leave me be.

The team leaders, organizers, the pastor of the church, and Owen were all up front near the stage. Once the last team, the transportation team, who drove back and forth collecting and handing out bags and food, was all inside and settled in, we got started.

Owen walked on stage and turned on the microphone. When he was in the center, facing us, he spoke.

"Wow. It's been a whole month since we were last all together. Can you guys believe that? It's already been a month. Wow, time flies."

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