1 - Name?

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Unknown -

        I stared at the stupid, white sticker. What was the point of these things, anyways? Why not just give everyone a number and have them be called by that? It would be so much easier.

But that just wasn't how the world worked. Instead, I was glaring at the bolded, black letters as if they mocked me.

"Hello, my name is ________."

As if people could even read the small stickers anyways. Why did people need to know my name? All I was doing was moving a few boxes and putting clothes in the right piles. It's not like this was the DMV.

But I just scribbled down "Scarlet" anyways.

My mother never called me by my real name as a kid. That was okay, because I didn't like it anyways.

My father had named me before his life ended. It was his last wish, and my mother couldn't just simply deny him that. So she gave me that horrid name. Not that it in itself was horrid, just that incident. My name was just a reminder, and nothing more to me. What kind of a father would do that to his daughter?

So I put down a different name every time. Rebecca, Kiara, Jamie, Tiffany, L'Mari, Jayla, Paige, Katie, anything worked. This time, it just happened to be Scarlet.

It annoyed everyone because people did catch on. But I didn't care. None of it mattered to me. People come and go anyways. In the end, I'll just die, right? So as far as I'm concerned, how I lived my life is between the man upstairs and me; not anyone else. Not that I really believed in him, anyways.

I stuck the sticker to my right leg that was covered in ripped, dark jeans. I subconsciously fixed my flowy, black tee that read "Not Today Satan" in a thin white font and marched to my station in my combat boots. My hair was spiraling all around my face in wild curls that I no longer gave a damn about.

I turned on the huge silver fan that was plugged into the wall at my station to a medium setting. After a while, it would get really hot in there because there wasn't air conditioning yet in this side of the church building.

Making sure everything was ready, I began organizing and folding clothes for the homeless.

It really was a good cause, and I appreciated what the church was doing, but I just didn't understand why this was the job I was assigned. There were hundreds of other ways to volunteer around here, ranging from feeding the homeless to preaching in Africa. So what gives?

"Natalie! Over here, now!" A deep, grouchy male's voice shouted.

I continued my work.

"Natalie!" The voice again yelled.

Ignoring the man, I was focused on my "priority" here.

A cold hand landed on my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine. I seriously did not like that feeling.

My body jumped away from his freezing touch on instinct, my head jerking around and ready to complain. But my mouth was sewn shut when I saw who it was.

"Oh? So it's 'Scarlet' today, huh?"

I smiled cockily at the head of the organization

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I smiled cockily at the head of the organization. He and I shared lots of history, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say we were friends.

"Mr. Owen Hathaway, my man! I haven't seen you in the past couple days, where have you been? And did you know that your hands are freezing?"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't act so excited, please, you're making me nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about?"

"Last time you were this happy to see me, my car got coated in glitter."

"Aw, that was almost two years ago! Does a guy not move on?"

"He doesn't when he still finds some in his seats."

I beamed even brighter at him. He truly did make my day almost every day. Not that I would ever admit this to him, but I actually did miss him during the two weeks that he was gone.

"Whoops. Anyways, what happened to you? You just disappeared on us! You can't leave your favorite student hanging like that." I drew out sadly, looking at the ground in genuine hurt.

He sighed from a few inches above me. He had some height, I'll give him that, but then again, I was only 5'3".

"I'm sorry, I didn't have the chance to tell anyone from the organization that I'd be gone. I had to take a last minute flight home to check on my sister. Her husband couldn't be home to take care of her, and I got a call from one of her neighbors saying I needed to come down to see her in the hospital." He explained.

"Another stroke?" I guessed.

He nodded, his eyes wandering off to the side, looking deep in thought.

Owen's sister, Olivia, was currently pregnant with her third child and had a really high risk of stroke, like her parents. Owen lucked out in that factor, but Olivia had recently experienced a stroke due to it and her second pregnancy. She and her baby boy, Bradley, made it, thankfully, and I guess she got cursed with another stroke this time too. Poor girl.

"I'm so, so sorry. Will she be alright?"

"She will, thank God."

"And her baby?"

He smiled. "Ten fingers and ten toes."

I gasped. "She had him?"

He shook his head, smiling happily. "Her."

"Awww! That's so great! Did they name her yet?"

"They're still deciding between 'Jennifer' and 'Charlotte."

"Wait, what? Tell them to name her Charlotte! That would be so cute to have Adrien, Bradley, and Charlotte!"

His face scrunched in confusion. "Why would that be cute?"

I stared at him with furrowed eyebrows. "A, b, c?"

His face was blank. I shook my head. "Never mind."


Chapter one, chapter done.

Lol; I think that I'm cool.

Anyways. First chapter, yay!! I'm so excited for you guys to see more into this story. So much happens, I can't wait for things to start unfolding! You'll love it (hopefully) :D

And there are my very first characters, also two of the most important. Owen and HAHA YOU DON'T KNOW HER NAME YET.

I just want to put it out there that I write for you to have something to relate to. Just know that.

Wear your underwear. Until next time, my lovelies,

- Kate

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