Ch.15 [Upupupupu~!]

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Kiku's POV

"Kyaa~!" I hear the girls squeal as flashes of light blinded me. I was in front of the classroom being photographed by Mahiru-san the others squealing the guys looking at me in amusement and snickered at my situation. You wanna know why? CUZ I'M WEARING WOMEN'S CLOTHING....AGAIN. "Why do I have to be the damn model?!" I yelled at them and Sonia-san gasped. "Language Kiku-kun." she scolded me. I admit I may have been hanging out with Fuyuhiko-kun too much.

"Uh duh, becuase we need someone to try out the costumes for the festival, idiot." Hiyoko-chan said rolling her eyes. My eye twitched at her. "Yes, I understand but WHY ME?!" I screamed. "Sensei said that the competition for Queen of Hope's peak Academy is strictly for GIRLS only, so why?" I emphasized the girls part. "Because we want to see them on someone else, besides your rockin the look Kiku-kun." Ibuki-san commented me. "That's...Not helping...."

Those responses didn't make me happy at all. "But why not Ryota-kun or even Fuyuhiko-kun, we're practically the same size!" I said pointing to the gangster who started screaming at me with profanity. "One, Ryota-kun is busy with his Anime. Two, Fuyuhiko-kun won't allow us to do that and Three, your just that easy to manipulate Kiku-kun. Now stop moving!" Mahiru-san said taking more pictures as everyone agreed. "Seriously?..." I sighed in defeat and let them do whatever they want.

Apparently there's a festival in Hope's Peak Academy, every class has to come up with a theme to do, like normal High School's but there will be a competition for the King and Queen of Hope's peak Academy. Class 1-A will be incharge of the representative for the King while 1-B will be in charge of the representative for the Queen, same for the upper year's. We obviously voted for Sonia-san because she is literally a princess and all, but I still don't understand why I have to model her clothes when we're not even the same height or better yet I DON'T HAVE BOOBS LIKE A GIRL.

They finally let me go change back to my normal clothes as we discussed what we're going to do for the festival. Teruteru-san obviously suggested a maid cafe which was turned down. Gundham-san suggested a petting zoo but that's hard to keep sanitary. Nagito-kun suggested a haunted house but that was too cliche apparently. Nekomaru-san and Akane-san suggested an eating competition, Fuyuhiko-kun suggested a sparing session which Peko-san agreed to. Byakuya-san said he could careless. They we're running out of ideas and in all honesty I couldn't care less about this festival either. I never went to any events in school before and why whould they even suggest this festival right after the exams? This will be hectic.

"kun....Kiku-kun...Kiku-kun!!" I heard my name being called so I sat up from my hunched form. "What?" I ask as everyone was looking at me. "You're the only one who hasn't suggested anything." Hajime-kun said, I looked at the board and there are many ideas that were scratched out. "I don't know, I've never been to school festivals." I said seriously and they didn't really looks surprised but Ibuki-san came to my side patting my head. "Poor Kiku-kun." she said crying silently. "Uh..Okay..." I said quitely.

"Then what do you like among these Kiku-kun?" Chiaki-san asked me pointing to the board, the only one that caught my eye was Ibuki-san's suggestion. "That pop concert or whatever." I answered making the multicolor haired girl squeal as she hugged me tight. Hajime-kun encircled it. "This one it is then." he said and I looked at him surprised. "Wait what? Really?" I asked them and they nodded. "We all agreed that whatever Kiku-kun chooses will be the theme that we will do." Chiaki-san stated and everyone nodded in agreement. "What, whoa whoa hold on, why would you do that?" I ask again.

They all turned to me with smiles. "Becuase we know that Kiku-kun hasn't experienced school festivals and we want you to remember this and enjoy!!" Sonia-san said and I looked down. "Don't get all sentimental you idiot." Fuyuhiko-kun said jokingly. I looked up wiping my tears. "I'm not!!" I yelled and they started laughing. 'Ah...I really do have amazing friends...'

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now