Ch.3 [Class is always fun!]

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Kiku's POV

I fix my beret on my head infront of the mirror and smiled satisfied. I smile happily as I lock up my dorm room and started heading outside. It's been 2 months since my first day here in Hope's Peak Academy and I gotta say, I'm having so much fun here! Since we don't really have any lessons we're mostly working on things related to our talents and show them on our exam. I've been working on a painting that brings motivation to anyone who sees it or like how Nagito-kun says it, Hope. Although I still can't think of a main subject for it like what can bring hope? So for now it's still a blank canvas. And as for my classmates, we're all on first name basis, Chiaki-san is our class representative along with Hajime-kun as vice. They always plan things such as picnics, outings and video games for everyone to take part in. It's really fun!

They couldn't believe that I was male that first day and even tried to feel my body to know if I was lying or not, thankfully Yukizome-sensei was able to stop them and tell them that I really am male. But honestly that didn't stop the perverted looks I got from Teruteru-san. Some of the girls A.K.A Hiyoko-chan even tried dressing me up in girls clothing. It took me weeks to finally make them stop, Nagito-kun always finds ways to hide me from them.

Every lunch time Nagito-kun and I go out to that same spot to eat except when it's raining then we'll be eating in the classroom. There are times when Hajime-kun and Chiaki-san comes with us but they mostly go on their own way and play video games. Nagito-kun hasn't said anything bad about himself since then atleast he tried not to when I'm there, but of course there were times that he was sad and I was there for him, comforting him to let him know he's not alone. I'm getting worried about him since he kept sighing these days and daydreams more than usual. I know it's quite obvious that I like him more as a friend but, I never want to ruin our relationship. He's the most patient one alongside Hajime-kun and Chiaki-san whenever I'm trying to communicate. I taught the three of them sign language so we can communicate much faster and they became my translators, but I still bring a small notebook and mechanical pencil in my hoodie pocket.

I walked faster as I saw Nagito-kun waiting for me outside the dorm building. I smiled at him. {Ohayou Nagito-kun!} I greeted him. "Ohayou Kiku-kun!!" he replied to me as we both walked towards class. "What are we having for lunch today?" he asked me {Actually...I wasn't able to cook this morning because I woke up late, we can just order something from Teruteru-san in the cafeteria anyways.} I signed and he frowned. "Ehh~ but yours is so much better than his cooking Kiku-kun." he complained with a slight pout. We stopped by a vending machine. "I'll buy us some coffee my treat." he said while taking out some money but when he tried pushing the button nothing came out. He sighed "Today is just not my lucky day I guess." and as he said that Kazu-kun came running towards our direction.

"Oi-!" he was cut off as he stumbled and rolled towards the vending machine smashing against it and making it drop tons of canned coffee. "Ah, I really am lucky!" Nagito-kun stated happily as he started picking the cans up not really caring what happened to the mechanic. I sweat dropped at him and helped Kazuichi-kun up, his face was bruised from colliding with the metal box. "Thanks Kiku..." he mumbled as he rubbed his face but then pointed at Nagito-kun with an angry look. "Agh! Whenever you're around bad things happen to me!!" he screamed dramatically as Nagito-kun just smiled. This has become a normal thing, whenever Kazuichi-kun is with Nagito-kun there always seem to be a string of bad luck going to happen to him.

"Ahah, gomen Kazuichi-kun, here." Nagito-kun apologized as he handed him a can. Kazuichi-kun snatched it from him while grumbling. "Here, Kiku-kun." Nagito-kun said giving me some aswell, I nodded and helped him carry some of the cans. "This will be enough for everyone!" he stated while laughing. The three of us started walking again. "Tch!" Kazuichi-kun clicked his tongue as he opened his can only for the contents to spray on his face. "WAHH!!" he exclaimed. We stopped to look at him as he started trembling. "HOW CAN THAT EVEN HAPPEN?! IT'S COFFEE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD?! YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE HUH?!!" he screamed a angrily running at us full speed. We ran away from him laughing well for me silent laughing. 'I wish it could be like this everyday.'

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now