Ch.21 🔞 [New Beginnings]

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Kiku's POV

"I'm telling you that Kurose is a bad name." I said to my sister, "Well I think it's badass." she answered making me sigh as I massage my temple in irritation, I was at the Future Foundation and you know what, it really was like a prison as I imagined, we were in a room separated by a thick layer of glass with only small holes to let our voices through, she was wearing a uniform with guards on her side of the room. "It's really not. I like Luna better." I argued and she pouted. "Fine!" she said rolling her eyes at me as I celebrated.

A buzzer went off indicating that visiting time is over. I look at her sadly. "I have to go now." I said to her and she looked away. "Good!" she exclaimed but I could see tears wanting to escape her eyes. "Don't miss me too much sis." I laughed as she yelled at me. "I won't! Just go already!!" she went silent and looked at me sadly. I placed my hand on the glass and she copied me. "Bye Luna." "Bye Kiku." I smiled at her waving my hand as she was escorted away and I walk out of the room.

I went to the main lobby of the Foundation and saw Nagito waiting for me on one of the couches, he stood up waving at me with his robot arm. "Yo." he greeted me. "You came to pick me up?" I asked him as he gave me a peck on the cheek. "Of course." he answered as he led me outside. His left arm was cut off and replaced by a robotic arm custom made by Kazuichi-kun. He wasn't sad about it at all, although if anything he was thrilled and almost agreed to put weapons inside it but I stopped them from doing it.

When we got back to Japan, the despair sisters and my sister were taken to the Future Foundation and we were rushed to the hospital immediately. Fuyuhiko-kun can't use his right eye anymore and he has a scar sometimes he wears a black eye patch, the others were all patched up and was good as new. After that we were able to attend Hope's Peak Academy again. They also made them examine my arm with cracks and they said that they've never seen something like it and didn't know what to do. So I said it was fine and well I didn't really want to be experimented on so we left and I just cover it up with a bandage and wear long sleeves.

Maria, my aunt was really worried and made me stay a few days at her place. The principal agreed that I can come back as a student in the Academy but there was one condition, I had to change my Ultimate talent. Now I'm the Ultimate Singer apparently, I'm fine with it since it really was my first talent, but that also means that I have to sing in the exams. I guess it's a good thing I didn't finish that painting but I won't give up on my hobby of doing Art. I got my room back, now it was half filled with art materials and the other half some composition stuff and instruments like a guitar and keyboard.


"Kiku~ Kiku~ pay attention to me~" Nagito whined on my bed as he hugged the bunny he got for me on our last date. I was on my desk trying to come up with lyrics, I found one of my sisters compositions in the castle ruins and asked her if I can use it, she agreed and now I only need some lyrics. He kept poking me. I sigh, "What is it Nagito-kun?" I ask him looking at his pouting face. "Play with me." he said and I leaned down giving him a peck on the lips. "Later okay?" I said as I went back to work. He was silent, watching me.

He stood up going to the mini fridge and took out a bottle of water. I can see what he was doing from the corner of my eye. He went close to me and I felt something cold on the back of my neck making me squeal. I turned to him smiling down at me. "That was cold!" I exclaimed covering my neck. "Take a break, want some water?" he asked me and took a swig from the bottle and I nodded about to take it from his hand when he took a hold of my head and connected our lips. He forced me to open my mouth and I felt the rush of cold water enter my mouth to my throat, I push him away as I coughed. "Wh-what the heck Nagito-kun?" I ask him wiping my chin.

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now