Ch.2 [Ultimate Talents]

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Kiku's POV

I trembled at the muscular guy who slammed his hands at my desk, he was looking down at me with a grin. "Hoy!! The name's Nidai Nekomaru! I'm the Ultimate Manager!!" He introduced himself loudly. Then he was thrown to the side as a girl with dark skin and messy hair that was wearing a bit revealing clothes Took his place in front of me. "Yo! I'm Owari Akane!! The Ultimate Gymnast, nice to meet ya!" she said with a grin. "Oi! I was the one who was talking to her first!" Nidai-san yelled trying to push Owari out of the way, "What?! No one asked you!!" she argued pushing the muscular man back as they had a glaring contest. "Oi oi, can't you see you're scaring her? Stop fighting already." the boy beside me said looking towards the two fighting.

"HAHH?!" they both exclaimed stopping the fight to look at him, he just sighed at them. "Would the two of you stop yelling? you're so damn noisy." said a blonde guy with weird patterns on his hair as he was sitting with his feet up on the desk. The two didn't listen and started fighting hand to hand combat. I sweat dropped at the scene. 'Is this a normal thing?' I thought as I looked around the classroom seeing my classmates not really affected of the quarrel. Different things were thrown about missing Nagito-kun's face with just mere centimeters.

"Don't worry, they're always like that." the guy beside me said, I looked at him confused as he glanced at me, "Yeah, this is a normal scene you see everyday." the guy infront of me said, he had pale orange hair with green eyes, he had bags under his eyes as he looked back at me from his seat. "Your an artist huh? I'm Mitarai Ryota, the Ultimate Animator, I wish we can share each others works." he said with a weak smile, he looked like he was very tired. 'An animator?? Finally a person I can relate to.' I thought as I nodded at him happily. The guy beside me cleared his throat and smiled at me "I'm Hinata Hajime, the Ultimate Multi talented, I hope we can get along." he said as he stretched his hand towards me to shake. I accepted his hand and shook it. I started scribbling on my notebook as we pulled away. {Wow, multi talented huh? So you're the best student here right?} he got flustered as he read it. "W-well not really ahaha~" he said scratching his head with a grin. He got thrown forward on his desk as a pink haired guy slapped him from behind, he was grinning so you could see his really sharp teeth.

"Hajime's trying to make a move on the newbie!!" he said with a big laugh at the end. Hajime choked for air with a blush on his face. "I'm not you idiot!" he yelled at the still laughing guy. A girl with really long blonde hair walked towards us. "It's nice to meet you Kiku-chan! My name is Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess." she introduced as she looked at me. 'Princess? So she's royalty, eh uh what should I do? Should I bow to her??' I panicked if I should bow or not to her and she giggled at my state. "Don't worry Kiku-chan, no need to bow." she said with a close eyed smile. I sighed in relief. 'Wait what, did she just call me with chan?' I thought staring at her. "Ohoho, Sonia-san is such an angel!!'' the pink haired guy exclaimed with hearts in his eyes suddenly next to Sonia-san.

She stepped away from him which he didn't really notice, he then turned to me. "I'm Soda Kazuichi, the Ultimate Mechanic, I can make anything from robots to high-tech machines!!!" he said with a wink towards me, I nodded at him. Suddenly there was a crash followed by apologies from a girl, we all looked to see a girl with dark hair sprawled eagle on the floor and was wrapped with rope in a suggestive manner and she was drenched in water with the bucket next to her tears streamed down her face. "Tsumiki your such a clutz!! You almost ruined my Kimono!" The familiar childish voice said, she really looked like a child with her height and looks, but man, her personality is something else. "Mah~ calm down Hiyoko-chan, she didn't mean to do it." A red haired girl with a camera on her neck said to the small blonde as she helped the girl on the floor. "Hmph, whatever!" the small blonde replied as she turned away.

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now