Ch.8 [Really?...Not again..]

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3ed Person's POV

"Ah! Ibuki-chan you can't climb there-- Oi Nekomaru! Akane! Stop fighting already!! No! Hiyoko-chan stop biting Mikan-chan! Ah you-- KIKU COULD YOU STOP STARING AND JUST HELP ME ALREADY?!" Hajime screamed at the brunette as a chibi Ibuki was on his shoulders pulling on his hair, he was holding a chibi Akane and chibi Nekomaru at the back of their shirts as they tried hitting each other and he was also trying to calm down a crying chibi Mikan who was bitten by a chibi Hiyoko. A chibi Sonia and chibi Mahiru were running away from a chibi Kazuichi. A chibi Byakuya was arguing against a chibi Fuyuhiko as a chibi Peko was by his side holding the blonde back, A chibi Ryota crying alone, A chibi Gundham playing with 4 hamsters with a chibi Teruteru watching and lastly a chibi Chiaki and chibi Nagito were just silently sitting in one corner, watching everything .

'I just leave for 3 minutes and this is what happens...?' Kiku thought looking at the scene in disbelief his mouth wide open. 'Where the hell did it go wrong?!'


Earlier Today

The students of class 1-B minus Mikan who was in the infirmary were playing games again in their classroom. But then their Sensei disrupted their fun activity. "Ohayou minna! I see your having some bonding time, great work class rep's!" she greeted everyone and flash a thumbs up to Hajime and Chiaki whose eyes didnt leave the screen. Yukizome's students greeted her back and if possible her smile widens.

"Attention please, can I have 1 of you help me with something in the faculty?" she asks her students. "Hai sensei! Let me ju--" "I'll do it!!" Hajime was cut off by Kiku volunteering. "Are you sure Kiku-kun?" their sensei asked the brunette as he smiled at her. "Hai! I-I'm bad at p-playing games anyway s-so it's fine!" he said standing up, the pale teen beside him stood up aswell. "I'll help too." he said as he grabbed his lovers shoulder making him look at him. "No need Nagito-kun, you're gonna be next on the game right? You can stay here, I'll help Yukizome-sensei, okay?" he assured the frowning male.

"But--" "It'll be quick, don't worry!" the Artist reassured him so he tried smiling again. "Okay..." he said not really reassuring. The brunette's face softened as he gazed at the taller male and kissed his cheek, he pulled away to see his cheeks tinted in a pale pink. "Ja ne~" he said following their Sensei out in the hallway. He touched his cheek where the brunette kissed him as he gazed at the door. "Stop daydreaming man, he'll be fine, nothing's gonna happen." Kazuich reassured the male who nodded silently.

He has been worried for his lover's sake as bad things seem to happen often, first that guy who assaulted him, then the time he fainted, then there was a time he tripped and fell, and the other time when a random baseball hit him on the head, almsot getting ran over by a truck, a lamp post collapsing where the brunette was standing just a few seconds ago and another was being attacked by a big dog when they were walking in the park.

Nagito frowned remembering all those mishaps  'This is because of my bad luck again...He's getting hurt because of my useless talent! I'm nothing more than worthless trash that doesn't deserve someone like Kiku who is the most purest person ever!' he thought angrily as he gripped his arm tightly. But even if all that happened, the Artist never left his side no matter how many times he says he's the cause of the bad luck, how many times he pushed him away.

Well fortunately for him, nothing bad will happen to the brunette today. Instead he should've been worrying for himself when Mikan stumbled in the room accidentally breaking the bottle she was holding as purple gas filled the room, there were a few screams and coughs and yells of confusion. Nagito closed his eyes as he covered his nose he felt weird and when the gas dissipated he opened his eyes only to see the room get bigger, or rather he has gotten smaller.

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now