Ch.18 [I love/hate you]

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3rd Person's POV

The class of 77th-B was standing outside of the castle of ruins of dell'eclissi they can see from outside that there is a faint light through a few windows and decide that they would head to that room. "T-this is scary!!" Hiyoko complained clutching onto Mahiru. "Shh! Be quiet, we don't know what kind of dangerous people are in here." Byakuya scolded the dancer as she cried silently. Nagito was at the front of the group along with Hajime and Chiaki, a serious face replaced his smiling one. 'I'll save you Kiku.'

They stopped outside the big double doors of the castle, Mikan, Ryota and Hiyoko has started crying from fear. "Was it really a good idea to bring these three?" Akane asked eyeing the three. Hajime looked back at the. "The five of us. Nagito, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Akane and I will go inside. The rest stay here, if anything happens. Chiaki, you know what to do." he ordered and they all nodded. The five stepped inside the ruins. Soon they reached the throne room. Everyone had their guard up as Hajime opened the door.

There was no one there except for a lone figure sitting on one of the throne's, a familiar face they all knew and they sighed in relief. "Kiku! Is that you?" Akane asked as they started walking towards the brunette. The said person didn't say anything but opened their eyes revealing golden eyes. "Kiku?" Nagito muttered observing the brunette, it was quite dark so they can only see the outline of their face. Hajime spread his arm out, stopping them from advancing. "That's not Kiku." he said glaring at the figure.

The brunette smiled at them and started to laugh menacingly, "You are....Princess Luna." Hajime stated as her laughing ceased and she stood up. Making them put their guards up, she started walking towards them, towards the light and they could see she really looked the same as Kiku but she has longer hair and golden eyes, she was wearing an all black short dress and boots. "I am no longer called Luna, I am called Kurose" she smirked stopping when Peko's blade was right next to her neck.

"Is that the way you treat a princess? You filthy peasants." she spat out moving the blade away from her. "Where is Kiku?" Nagito asked her, his heart pounding in fear and worry for the sake of the Artist. "My foolish older brother? Well why would a lowly peasant like you want with him?" she asked circling around the group observing them all. "What did you do to him, you bitch?!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed at the girl who glared daggers at him. "How dare you call me with such vulgar words!"

She moved to a wall with some kind of lever. "I'll teach you how to treat someone with royalty!!" she pulled the lever and a big metal cage dropped on top of them, trapping them inside. They tried lifting, hitting and everything they could think of to get away from the cage and the brunette just laughed at them. "Your useless efforts entertains me. Since you managed to make me laugh, I'll give you a treat." she said pulling another lever and a small portion of the floor opened up, while a chair advanced upwards. In that chair sat an unconscious person, his limbs tied up.

"Kiku!" Nagito's eyes turned wide at the sight, he was badly beaten and bruised. Hajime gritted his teeth and immediately called the others with his phone, no one answered, he called everyone but still no answer. Kurose saw this and started laughing outloud and they looked at her. "If you're trying to reach your precious friends, they're already taken care of." and as she said that, the doors opened to a girl with black hair, dragging multiple bodies with ropes. "Everyone!!" Akane yelled at all their unconscious friends. They were all individually tied up to pillars by the black haired girl.

Then a girl with blonde hair strutted in. "Ohh!! We have a big audience!!!" she squealed coming close to the cage and grinning at them. She turned the Kurose "Hey, wake up your stupid brother so we can start this already." she ordered with a blank tone and the girl nodded and took the bucket that Mukuro gave her. She splashed it into Kiku's face making him stir and wake up coughing. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the darkness. He groaned. "Kiku!" he heard and his eyes snapped open looking for the source only to see everyone captured. "Wh-what?!" he tried wriggling at his tied up state.

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt