Ch.4 [Kiss]

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3rd Person's POV

It was a normal day in Hope's Peak Academy in the class of 77th 1-B, the students were all playing a video game that both class representatives suggested, well to be more precisely, Kiku, Nagito, Hajime and Chiaki were playing while the others watched and cheered them on. "Come on Kiku-chan! You can't lose to them!!" Ibuki yelled enthusiastically at the brunette whose character was getting beat up by Hajime. "Show 'em what the Ultimate Gamer is Chiaki!" Akane encouraged the ash blonde who has the top score. Nagito just kept smiling as he played only lucky enough to dodge his opponents attacks.

They all cheered as the round ended leaving Chiaki as the winner followed by Hajime, then Nagito and Kiku being the last. The said Artist lowered his head dejectedly in defeat. 'Why have I never won a round...?!' he thought with a pout as the others teased him for not winning a single round. "Who wants to go next?" Chiaki asked as she held up her controller, and some already started fighting to play. "I want to play!" Hiyoko said as she snatched the controller. "I would like to play aswell!!" Sonia said with a beaming smile as Kiku gave his controller to her. "If Soina-san is playing, I want to play too!" Kazuichi exclaimed trying to grab the controller out of Hajime's hand. "Geez, you guys don't have to fight over it, everyone will get a turn." Hajime said exasperated.

The door of their classroom opened and in come there Sensei with her hands on her hips. "Minna! I see you're all enjoying yourselves." she greeted them as everyone looked towards her. "Sensei!" most of the acknowledged. "I don't want to ruin your mood but can I steal Kiku-kun for a bit?" she asked mostly looking at the brunette. Kiku blinked surprised as he pointed at himself and Yukizome-sensei confirmed with a nod. "What do you need Kiku-kun for sensei?" Nagito asked as he watched his bestfriend stand up. "I just need to discuss some things with Kiku-kun!" she answered as Kiku walked towards her. Nagito wasn't satisfied of the answer but let it slide.

"Haii~ you can get back to playing again!" Yukizome-Sensei said as she started walking away with Kiku who waved at them. "Hm, I wonder what they want from Kiku-chan." Mahiru asked outloud. "Does it matter? It's none of our business." Byakuya commented with his arms crossed. "Mm! Let's just play!" Ibuki exclaimed getting Nagito's controller as he stood up silently and sat down on one of the desks. He had a blank face as he watched his classmates play. 'Even though I'm surrounded by people...Why do I still feel lonely especially when your not here?' he thought to himself looking at his hand.


Kiku's POV

I followed sensei to the Principals office. I started sweating and fidgeting thinking I did something wrong. Yukizome-sensei seemed to notice as she put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Kiku-kun, your not in trouble!" she said making me relax. She knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in." we stepped inside the room to see the principal, the guy who scouted me and a girl with a scarf on some sort of wheelchair with a screen in front of her.

We sat down on one of the sofa's and I faced the Principal. "Welcome, Hansaki Kiku." he greeted me. "I know your wondering why you were called here." he continued as I nodded to him. "But first I would like you to meet Gekkogahara Miaya, the Ultimate Therapist, a senpai of yours." he introduced the girl on the wheelchair. She didn't say anything instead started typing on a keyboard. Suddenly this white bunny that was dressed up as a magical girl popped up in the screen. "Hewwo~ I am Usami the magical bunny wabbit, it's nice to mweet you~" it said making me surprised. {Uhm, it's nice to meet you too.} I signed and realized that they couldn't understand and became flustered. "It's nice to meet you too, he said." the guy who scouted me who I later learned the name of as Kizakura Koichi the Academy's Scout. We all look at him surprised.

My Sun of the Eclipse [Komaeda Nagito x MaleOc] AUWhere stories live. Discover now