Little Nammie

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Note: Spanking

"Namjoon... I'm warning you. Eat your breakfast if you don't want a time out."

"No! Nammie doesn't wike! Want pancakes!", the little countered stubbornly, complete with a pout and arms crossed over his chest.

Jin sighed. "Baby, we don't have pancake mix. I promise, daddy will buy one later but for now eat your toast and egg."

The little continued to pout and darted a look at his daddy as if trying to check if his daddy is serious with the time out.

Jin returned the gaze with a stern face.



Two and a half, Namjoon."

The little quickly took his fork and began to eat with silent tears flowing from his cheeks. He began to sniffle once in a while as he continued to finish his meal. Once done, Jin wiped away the little's tears and helped him drink his juice.

"What will you say, Nammie?"

"Nammie sowwy for being naughty, daddy. And thank you for the food.", Namjoon aswered quietly.

"Thank you. Now go ahead and watch cartoons in the living room. I'll be with you in a minute, baby.", Jin said as he ruffled the little's hair.

The little waddled to their living room and flopped down on the couch. Their house, thankfully, has an open layout so Jin can still watch over Namjoon while he washes the dishes.

However, he was distracted when his phone rang. By the time he was finished with the call and glanced at Namjoon, he was no longer at the sofa. Jin quickly checked the house, calling for his little. No answer. When he came back to the living room, he saw that the front door was slightly open. That's when Jin panicked. The little knows not to go out alone since he's not good with crossing the streets and doesn't know how to get back on his own yet. So where did he go?

Jin hurriedly went out of the house and looked for Namjoon. His instincts told him to go the direction of the park since it's just a block away and one doesn't need to cross any street to get there. He was right. He found Namjoon crouched on the street petting a stray cat.

"Namjoon! Why did you leave the house without permission?", Jin asked the little once he got to where he is.

Both the cat and the little was surprised at Jin's sudden appearance. Namjoon quickly stood up while the cat scurried away. Jin surveyed the area and upon seeing that no one is around, he took Namjoon's arm, turned him to his side and gave him a hard smack on his bottom making the little cry.

"You've been naughty all morning and now you leave the house without telling me? You know you're not allowed to that. You are in so much trouble, Namjoon. Once we're at home, go to a corner and stay there for ten minutes. After that you're getting spankies.", Jin scolded the little in a low voice as he carefully guided him back to their home.

Namjoon meanwhile continued to cry and beg. "Nammie sowwy, daddy. Nammie heard meow meow and wanted to play with kitty. Pwease no spankies. Nammie will be good boy. Pwomise."

Jin softened once inside their home. "You know the rules, baby. You cannot leave the house without daddy. What if you got lost or got hurt? So daddy needs to punish you so you remember not do it again, do you understand?"

"But Nammie pwomise not to do it again. Pwease, daddy? No spankies. Spankies huwt.", Namjoon pleaded as he shook his head.

"Go to the corner now, Namjoon.", Jin simply said.

The little pouted and did as he was told, dreading what's going to happen once the ten minutes are up.

After ten minutes, Jin called for Namjoon. The little very slowly shuffled his way to his daddy. Once in front of Jin, who is sitting on the couch, Namjoon tried again to get out of his punishment.

"Nammie sowwy, daddy. Nammie owwedy wearned wesson with time out. No more pwunishments, pwease."

Jin frowned. Namjoon's never really good with taking his spankings. But with the tantrum he threw during breakfast and the rule he just broke, Jin firmly believes the little deserves at least a few firm swats.

"What happens when you break the rules, Nammie?", Jin asked firmly.

"Nammie gets spankies.", the litte answered quietly looking on the floor.

"That's right. Now come lay over my lap, baby.", Jin said as he genly pulled the naughty little to him. Namjoon reluctantly did as he was told, already crying even before his spankings started.


The little gasped and began to bawl his eyes out, gripping a pillow in front of him.

After the initial smacks, Jin began to scold his little.

"What rule did Nammie broke?"

"Na-nammie weft house without te-telling daddy."


"Are you going to do it again?"

"No, daddy! Nammie pwomise! Nammie good boy."


Jin ended it at ten, which is their limit. He rubbed the little's bottom before telling him it's over. Namjoon let Jin lift him up and he immediately wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck while his legs wrapped around the older's waist.

"Nammie sowwy daddy. Won't do it again. Won't weave the house without daddy. Pwease forgive Nammie.", the little cried out while his daddy rubbed his back in circles.

"Shhhh, it's over now, baby. Of course, daddy forgives you. You're my good boy, aren't you?", Jin cooed as Namjoon began to relax in his arms.

Once the crying stopped, Jin leaned back so he can look at Namjoon properly. He wiped away the younger's tears and pushed his bangs away from his eyes.

"Don't do it again baby, okay? Daddy was so scared when he couldn't find you. You know we have our rules to keep you safe. So make sure you follow them, hm? So that you won't get spankies anymore.", Jin said as he continued to soothe his sniffling baby.

"Yes, daddy. Nammie knows. No mowe bweaking wules so Nammie won't get spankies."

Jin pulled him again into a hug and peppered his face with kisses.

"Thank you, baby. What would you like to do, now?"

"Can daddy and Nammie watch cartoons? Nammie wants Moana, pwease?"

Jin chuckled. "Okay, baby, let daddy set it up. You want popcorn for snacks?"

"Yes, pwease.", Namjoon answered, finally smiling.

Jin gave him a kiss on the nose making the little giggle before settling him on his tummy on the couch. He ruffled the little's hair then proceeded to pick the movie from Netflix. He quickly took a trip to the kitchen to pop some popcorn and get some juice cups.

Once back, he noted that the little is already yawning. Jin smiled fondly as he sat on the floor and rubbed Namjoon's back who, in no time, dozed off, already tired from his misadventures.


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