Joonie, Yoonie & Kookie (Part 2)

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The adventures of the naughty trio continues...
Note: contains spanking

Kookie's playing quietly in his room. He just had a fruit cup as a snack after his nap so he's not hungry. But the funny feeling in his tummy won't go away. It started just after they left Uncle Jinnie's home. Does it have something to do with Joonie?

The bunny remembered the angry look on Uncle Jinnie's face when they were in the kitchen. He also remembered how scared Joonie was. He cried so loud! He wanted to say something but he didn't want to get into trouble with his daddies. This morning before they left, his Daddy Tae reminded him that he should be a good boy and behave well while they were in Uncle Jinnie's or else no playdate next weekend. Kookie nodded and pinky promised with both of his daddies that he's going to be the bestest boy.

Kookie groaned upon recalling his promise. This funny feeling is definitely because of the cookie incident. What do grown ups call that again? Guilt. A big word for a little bunny but yes, he knows that what he's experiencing is just that. He also knows that the only way to make the funny feeling go away is to tell his daddies what really happened this afternoon.

But the thought worries him. What if they tell Uncle Hoseokie and got Yoonie in trouble? Yoonie will get mad at him and will no longer play with him! What about Joonie? Does Joonie still want to be his friend? What if Uncle Jinnie no longer wants them in his house because they got Joonie in trouble? What if Daddy Tae and Jimin got mad at him for misbehaving? Will he get punished? Did Joonie got punished when they left? Oh, no! He didn't meant for any of that to happen. He just wanted cookies like Yoonie!

The thoughts just became too much for little Kookie that he decided that he really needs to go tell his daddies the truth now to make the funny feeling go away for good. He then went to find his Daddy Jimin because, please don't tell Daddy Tae but Daddy Jimin is less scary when mad and spanks less harder than Daddy Tae. Will Kookie get spankies? He's really worried now.


Kookie went out of his room and called out for his Daddy Jimin.

"We're here in the living room, bun!"

Kookie's heart sank when he realized that Daddies Tae and Jimin are together. He found them cuddling on the sofa while watching a comedy sitcom.

Jimin opened his arms and invited the bunny to sit on his lap. Kookie quickly settled on Jimin with his legs resting on Tae's lap. Jimin carded the hybrid's dark hair noticing the sad expression. "What's on your mind, baby?"

"Kookie has a confession to make.", the bunny said quietly avoiding both his daddies' eyes.

The couple looked at each other in concern. Tae reached out to stroke their baby's brown velvety ears and encouraged him to speak. "Go on bun. You can tell daddies what's bothering you."

"Joonie didn't get the cookies just for himself.  Joonie went to the kitchen to sneak out cookies because me and Yoonie told him to. At first Joonie said no. So we didn't play with him until he said yes. Didn't mean to get Joonie in trouble with Uncle Jinnie. Kookie so sorry."

Both men were surprised to hear what the hybrid had to say. Jimin looked at his boyfriend and waited for him to speak. Although both has discussed and are in agreement when it comes to Kookie's rules and punishments, it's usually Tae who handles the discipline part since Kookie lives with him and spends more time with him. Jimin knows that he can step in to interfere anytime if needed but Tae is a reasonable man and so far it hasn't come to that. Jimin doesn't think it ever will.

Tae exhaled, "Give me your hand, Kookie."

Kookie hesitated but did what he was told. Tae took the little hand and gave Kookie two firm swats. The bunny immediately cradled his stinging hand to his chest once it was let go, silently crying. Jimin tightened his hold on his baby and rested his cheek on the bunny's head. After a moment, he leaned back to look at Kookie.

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