Joonie, Yoonie & Kookie

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Joonie misbehaves again...
Note: contains spanking

Joonie woke up early today. He ate his breakfast, cleaned his room, and then took a bath. He's now watching his favorite Toy Story movie on the TV in their living room. However, kitty cannot concentrate. He is beyond excited! Yoonie and Kookie are coming today for a playdate and they're going to have so much fun!

He already laid out in his room the toys that he wanted to play with his friends. His dad also gave him a new box to play with. It's smaller than his special box but he can still fit inside and he loves it. They can pretend that it's a car, or... or... a spaceship! Definitely a spaceship.

"Joonie, are you okay in there, baby?", Joonie's papa Jin asked from the kitchen where he's currently cooking lunch for their guests.

"Yes, Papa!", Joonie answered immediately.

"Okay, just stay there and wait for them to come. When you hear the doorbell, don't open the door. You wait for Papa to check first if it's them, okay?"

Joonie smiled and promised to follow his Papa's instructions. Ever since that incident when he was scolded for hiding from his Papa, Joonie was on his bestest behavior making sure to be respectful and obedient. And he was rewarded accordingly. Jin made sure to smother his baby with affection, constantly praising him for being such a good boy. He also allowed Joonie to attend playdates every weekend. Last Sunday he and Kookie played with bubbles in Yoonie's backyard and the week before that they played in the park near Kookie's home. With all the fun they had during the past weeks, Joonie's sure that today is going to be just as fun if not better.


It's the doorbell! Joonie rushed to the front door and began to jump up and down unable to contain his excitement anymore. However, he stayed there and waited for his papa to come and check who's on the other side. He is a good boy after all!

It's not too long before everyone's gathered in their living room with the hybrids in a three way hug squealing with happiness.

Jin tried to calm the trio down, "Okay, kids, settle down. Let's eat lunch first then you guys can go to Joonie's room to play, yeah?"

Yoonie was about to protest wanting to play first but Joonie answered readily, "Okay, Papa!"

Jin ruffled his hybrid's fluffy hair and scratched his ear making the kitten purr under his touch.

"That's my good boy!"


Eventually, the kids and daddies have finished lunch and Jin is now serving cookies and tea for dessert.

"Only one cookie, okay? You can have more as snack later after your nap."

The rest of the daddies agreed with Hoseok adding, "Behave while playing or no cookies at all after nap time."

The hybrids all politely nodded. Once they're finished eating they were finally allowed to go up to Joonie's room and play.

Kookie and Yoonie loves Joonie's room because it has lots of toys. Their friend really is super spoiled! Kookie settled for playing with the numerous stuffies while the other two decided to play pirates. The small box is the ship while the big box is the cave that houses lots of treasure. Oh, goody! They were going to be so rich once they found all the gold that's hiding in there.

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