Yoonmin (Little Jimin)

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Note: contains spanking...

Jimin's currently in time out. He woke up feeling little after not slipping for some time and what's the first thing he does? He acts out. He threw a massive tantrum after his daddy Yoongi refused to serve him brownies for breakfast. And so, he was instructed to stand in a corner in their living room. But the little refused to cooperate. Instead, he slumped on the floor, crossed his arms and huffed and puffed every few minutes. He glared at the glittery bottle sitting beside him as if willing the glitters to hurry up and just sink to the bottom already. Yoongi just let him be for now. At least he's not attempting to leave his corner, he thought.

But that thought didn't prove to be true for long. Because Jimin suddenly stood up and kicked the bottle, declaring, "This is stupid. Jiminie doesn't deserve time out. If Jiminie wants to eat brownies, Jiminie will because Jiminie is a big boy!"

With that, he began to march towards the kitchen. Yoongi called out his attention.

"Jimin, I already told you that you're not allowed sweets for breakfast. You can have the brownies for dessert after your lunch. For now, if you're not going to eat the breakfast I prepared for you then you can go back to your corner. Because you disturbed the glitters, we're starting over."

Jimin refused to obey and continued to walk to their kitchen.

"Jimin, one more step that's not towards your corner and you're getting a spanking."

That caught the little's attention. Spanking is included in their list of punishments and is considered as a last resort only to be dished out if Jimin has done something really bad. He's never been spanked by Yoongi before and this is the first time he got threatened with one because he doesn't misbehave often. He looked at his daddy to see if he's actually serious. Yoongi stared back at him as if daring him to disobey.

And he did disobey. Instead of going back to his corner, he fled to the kitchen and locked the door. He quickly took the brownies out and ate everything while his daddy knocked repeatedly, telling him that he's in a lot of trouble and that he's definitely getting a spanking now.

Jimin doesn't care. He's now happily eating his brownies and that's all that matters.

Yoongi meanwhile kept cursing under his breath. Why does the kitchen door have locks? Why does their kitchen have a door in the first place? He's so taking this damn door down once this is all over.

"Fine, Jimin. Is this how you want to play? Then go ahead and enjoy your brownies. I hope you still think it's worth it after your spanking.", Yoongi declared.

After Jimin finished eating, that's the only time he began to contemplate the situation he is in. Is his daddy serious? He's really going to spank Jiminie?

He never experienced a spanking before even as a child, so this is really going to be something new for him. His friend Jungkook, who's also a little, has been spanked by his daddy Jin lots of times before. He told Jimin that his daddy Jin spanks really hard and it hurts so much, he cannot sit comfortably for days afterwards. Jimin squirmed in his seat at the thought. He doesn't feel too good now.

Maybe he can talk his way out of his punishment? If he says he's really really really sorry maybe daddy will forgive him and not spank him anymore. But he knows it doesn't work that way. Once Yoongi has decided on his punishment after Jimin broke a rule there's no getting out of it.

Maybe he can just stay in the kitchen and wait until daddy leaves? But then he remembered that it's Saturday, daddy's day off. He's not going to leave the house until Monday morning. Jimin groaned. Guess, he's going to live in the kitchen until then. Why does their kitchen doesn't have a toilet and tv? At least Jiminie won't starve. Daddy can just order take out if he wants to eat.

Meanwhile, Yoongi's in the living room watching some random show on tv while waiting for Jimin to come out. He figured the little's bound to come out eventually. No need to force him out. And since he doesn't have work today, he has all day to wait. Sure, he can just open the door using the key but he's hoping Jimin would realize what he did wrong and come out on his own to apologize.

After more than an hour, Jimin bolted out of the kitchen, zoomed past him and ran towards the bathroom. He heard him grunt in frustration when he realized that the bathroom door is locked. The little then tried to go to their room to use the master's bathroom but it's also locked. In fact all of the room in their house is locked except for the kitchen. Oh no! He doesn't have any choice but to go to daddy and ask for help.

"Daddy..." Jimin started, voice quivering," Jiminie needs to go peepee."

Yoongi stood up quickly and unlocked the bathroom door. Jimin immediately went in but Yoongi stayed by the door wanting to make sure that his little won't try to lock himself inside the bathroom. He has the keys but he's still not going to risk it. Who knows what Jimin will think of doing next?

Once done, Jimin remained inside the bathroom looking at his daddy who's currently standing by the open door, unsure of what to do next.

Yoongi broke the silence. "Ready for your spanking, Jimin?"

Jimin's tears began to flow down his cheeks. He shook his head. He doesn't want a spanking. Not now. Not ever.

"Daddy, please no spanking. Jiminie really sorry.", Jimin pleaded hoping to change his daddy's mind.

Yoongi took him to their living room so that they can talk comfortably. Jimin sat on the sofa while Yoongi stood in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you sorry for, Jimin?"

"Jiminie sorry for throwing tantrum, for leaving time out, and for eating brownies without permission."

"Is that all?", Yoongi asked with arched eyebrows, mouth in a thin line.

Jimin thought for awhile before answering, "Jiminie doesn't know anymore daddy."

"Well how about for being rude when you kicked your glitter bottle and shouted at daddy? And how about for disobeying daddy when you refused to go back to your corner and when you refused to open the kitchen door? I already told you what's going to happen if you don't do what daddy said but you still didn't listen."

Jimin gasped. That's so many rules he's broken in one day! No wonder daddy's so mad!

Yoongi sat beside Jimin and placed him over his lap. Jimin didn't try to fight despite being scared. The little knows he deserved it.

Since it's their first spanking ever, Yoongi decided to just lower down the little's pants but kept his boxers on.

"Okay, Jimin. You're getting ten. I don't want any squirming or kicking, okay? And no reaching back either."

Jimin gasped at the first smack. It hurt! His whole body tensed and felt numb. But once he recovered from the initial shock, his mind started to register the burning pain in his bottom as the smacks kept coming in. And despite being told not to, he kept squirming and kicking, begging to be let up. After the tenth smack, Yoongi lifted his baby up and let him straddle him. He rubbed Jimin's back in circles and kissed his head repeatedly as the little sobbed and apologized over and over for being naughty.

Once the crying quieted down, Yoongi asked Jimin softly, "Are you okay now, baby? Are you ready to talk?"

Jimin who's laying his head on his daddy's chest, sucking on his left thumb, just nodded.

Yoongi pulled the thumb out and asked, "What did you do wrong, baby? Why did daddy spanked you?"

Sniffing, Jimin answered, "Jiminie naughty, was rude and disobeyed daddy."

"Are you going to do that again? Is daddy going to have to spank you again?"

Fresh tears flowed out of Jimin's eyes. He shook his head. "No daddy! Jiminie good boy!"

The couple stayed silent for awhile until Jimin spoke again.

"Daddy? Mad at Jiminie?"

"No, baby. Not anymore."

"Forgive Jiminie?"

"Of course, baby! Daddy will always forgive and love you."

"Jiminie loves you too, daddy. Always and forever."


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