Kookie Bunny and Yoonie Kitty

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Kookie's nose twitched upon waking up. He sniffed the air and recognized Yoongi's scent. He hurriedly went down the bed and run towards the kitchen.

"Yoonie! Yoonie! Are you here? Did you come here to play?"

His daddy Tae laughed. "Whoa, calm down, Bun! No need to rush, Yoongi's not going anywhere."

The bunny cannot contain his excitement. He hasn't seen his best friend in the whole wide world for ... forever!

"Hello, Kookie.", Yoongi greeted the bunny unenthusiastically. Unlike his friend, Yoongi isn't that thrilled to be at the bunny's home. He was being dropped off by his daddy Hoseok because of unexpected work and needed someone to look after him. It was unfair! His daddy promised him a day full of cuddles and kisses. Now he's forced to spend the day at a house that was not theirs and he's being forced to 'behave'. Why? He's a good boy! Most of the time.

Hoseok not minding the pout, continued to give instructions to Tae, "So Tae, all of his stuff are in his back pack. He has a change of clothes just in case needed. Also, only give him his packed cookies if he's a good boy, okay?"

"Don't worry, Seokie hyung. I got this! Yoongi, Kookie and I are going to have a good time!"

"Of course! Now, now, Yoongi! Come say bye to Daddy. I have to go now. Behave for Uncle Tae, ok? I will ask him if you behaved or not."

Yoongi forced a smile and hugged his daddy. Hoseok bent down to kiss his kitten who purred after he gently scratched both of his ears. And with that, his daddy left him. All alone. With these strangers.

Okay he was exaggerating. He's known Tae and Kookie for all of his kittenhood. His daddy adopted him at a hybrid shelter when he was just two years old around the same time that Tae adopted a barely one year old Kookie. Tae and Hoseok are bestfriends so he and Kookie basically grew up together and has spent a total of five summers together in their Uncle Jimin's (also known as Kookie's other daddy) vacation house in Busan. So yes, they were not strangers, they were family. But still, they were not his Daddy Seokie.

"So, Yoonie... wanna play with me in my room? My daddy Tae bought me a new train set last week! It's color blue, has its own tracks and runs on batteries! It's super cool!", Kookie blabbered, really excited to play with his unexpected guest.

Tae, sensing Yoongi's sour mood, decided to step in. "Kookie, let's have breakfast first then wash up before you play with Yoonie, ok? Gotta get some num num in your tum tum first so you have energy to play all day!"

Kookie giggled at his daddy's silliness. Who says such things? Only his daddy Tae Tae! He took a seat at their dining table, only now noticing the pancakes and strawberries. His favorites! Yum!

After breakfast, Yoongi still wasn't in the mood to play. Tae let him be for awhile knowing that the kitten was just missing his daddy. Kookie also gets in that mood whenever he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with him. He allowed the kitten to lounge around the living room and watch cartoons while him and his bunny played with the train set. However, by the time lunch time came around, Yoongi knocked on the bunny's playroom.

"Kookie? Can I play with you now?"

The bunny squealed and let Yoongi inside his room and excitedly showed off his new toy. Meanwhile, Taehyung slipped out to prepare lunch. He secretly took a picture to send to Hoseok to assure him that his baby was fine.

On the dining table, Yoongi was visibly in a much better mood. He even said sorry to Uncle Tae and Kookie for frowning and not joining them earlier. Tae assured him that there's no need to apologize while Kookie just happily slurped his potato soup not even minding their conversation.

At around two pm Kookie's Daddy Jimin came and brought them ice cream. The two excitedly jumped around asking for a cone. However, Tae stepped in and said that the ice cream is for later after they took their nap. That definitely did not sit well with the hybrids and they began to complain. Kookie even stomped his little foot!

Jimin sheepishly smiled at his boyfriend and mouthed a 'sorry' for his wrong timing. Tae pretended to get mad and playfully smacked his arm.

Of course, Tae immediately got them under control. Just the mention of a time out the two boys quickly apologized and ran to Kookie's room to prepare for their nap. It wasn't long before they were knocked out after Jimin read them a story.

Hoseok came in just in time to join them for their afternoon treat.

"So, Tae, did my baby behaved well today?"

Yoongi squirmed in his seat a little hoping his daddy Seokie will not sense his discomfort. He knew he wasn't exactly a good boy after his daddy left. But he's a good boy now! He listened to Uncle Tae and Uncle Jimin and took his nap so he and Kookie can eat ice cream after. That counts, right?

Tae smiled fondly at Yoongi while running his hand through the kitten's hair. "Of course, hyung! Yoonie was a really good boy today."

"Like Kookie, Daddy?"

Jimin laughed at their bunny and kissed his chubby cheeks. Kooke squealed in delight and jumped to hug his daddy making his floppy ears bounce. Tae joined the hug squishing the giggling bunny in between him and Jimin.

Yoongi not wanting to be left out moved himself to his daddy's lap and planted a wet kiss on his daddy's cheeks even making a loud kissing sound "muwah!" before pulling back. Hoseok immediately returned the favor and gave his kitten a raspberry on his cheeks and neck.

When it was time to say goodbye the two hybrids kept on holding on to each in an effort to make their time together last longer. Kookie cried after Hoseok picked Yoongi up to take him to their car.

"Don't worry, Bun, you'll get to spend another time with Yoonie. What do you say we arrange a playdate with Joonie at Uncle Jinnie's next weekend?", Hoseok said trying to pacify the sobbing bunny.

Kookie turned to his daddies and asked, "Really? We can play with Joonie next week?"

"We'll ask Jinnie hyung but I'm pretty sure he'll say yes. We talked last week and he mentioned that Joonie really misses you both and hopes to see you soon.",  Jimin answered.

With that promise the two bestfriends parted ways with a smile on their faces, already excited for the next weekend.


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