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"I'm okay, Oppa!"

Namjoon frowned and started ascending the stairs to check on his sister. He was suprised to see her sprawled on her bedroom floor, in line skates on her feet. Namjoon immediately went to her to make sure she's not injured. Upon seeing that she's fine, he helped her take off the skates but not before flicking her on the forehead.


"Yah! Who told you to use your skates in the house? You could have broken your neck!"

Kyung Min huffed and crossed her arms while remaining seated on the floor. She looked up at her older brother who's now standing up, holding her skates obviously with the intention of confiscating them.

"I wanted to practice with my friends but somebody decided to ground me so now I can't go out and skate in the park."

Namjoon crouched down to her level and looked at her in the eye, "Well if somebody just passed their projects on time and studied for her tests then maybe she wouldn't fail her History class and wouldn't get punished."

"Why do you care about grades so much? The education system of Korea sucks and exams aren't that important anyway.", the girl proclaimed.

Namjoon was shocked to hear such words coming from his sister. "Yah! Language! And where did you get that idea?"

"From Min Yoongi of BTS."

Namjoon facepalmed. He knew he shouldn't have bought her that CD for her birthday last month.

"Why do you listen to such nonsense? Education is important. You need that to help you succeed in life. Next time you don't study well I'm going to shave your eyebrows off!"

Kyung Min gasped and covered her eyebrows. Namjoon smirked and stood up, skates still in hand. He walked out of the room to go back to the kitchen and finish dinner.

"You can get your skates back once you're no longer grounded."

Kyung Min stuck her tongue out at his brother.

"I saw that. One more day added to your punishment."



The siblings ate their dinner with Kyung Min chatting non-stop. Namjoon isn't a good cook but they're edible and Kyung Min appreciates the effort. It's only during the weekend that her brother can cook for her because he's so busy working during the week, often times bringing home work with him. Her brother usually just comes home with take out food. So she cherishes moments like this. However, Namjoon seems to be lost in his thoughts. He sighed then spoke quietly.

"Min-ah, I already told you about my recent promotion, right?"

Kyung Min just hummed in response. He knows that tone very well. It means that Namjoon is about to drop a bomb.

"Well, that means I have more responsibilities at work and on some days I will be spending more time at the office, probably needing to stay beyond dinner time. So I decided to hire a baby sitter to stay here with you while I'm at work."

Kyung Min pouted. She understands that Namjoon has to work hard to support them both. Their parents died on an accident seven years years ago while on a cruise. She was eight. Her brother, who just turned eighteen that time was declared her legal guardian and has raised her since then. Namjoon is a good parent despite being over-protective and strict. She really appreciates his efforts to make sure that she lives a good life. So she understands why her brother needs to work hard but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel bad whenever he's busy with work because she misses him so much.

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