Namjoon (Part 3)

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Namjoon's in deep thought while driving home. He can't believe that Kyung Min had the audacity to go behind his back and even got Hye-rin into trouble. Granted that she still doesn't know that she's been caught but did she honestly not think that there would be consequences once she's found out?

Namjoon used to think that he's pretty reasonable when it comes to raising his sister. Now he's not so sure. He lets her have friends and have fun. He allows her to have guests. He permits her go out with them as long as she tells him their whereabouts and come home at the designated curfew. Everythings is good as long as she follows the rules.

Is he strict with imposing the rules? Yes. Is he over-protective? Maybe. But what parent isn't? Is he really too much? Has he perhaps crossed a line in his efforts in trying to discipline his sister?

Namjoon shook his head. He's not rasing Kyung Min any different from how he was raised by their parents. The rules and punishments he set for his sister are the same rules he had growing up. He had no problem following them and rarely got punished. So why is Kyung Min being difficult?

Maybe she's just naturally stubborn, a trait she definitely got from their mother. Or maybe, until now she still doesn't see Namjoon as a parental figure. He's only her brother after all, not her father.

Seven years ago, sad and confused at their parents sudden death, Kyung Min refused to acknowledge Namjoon's authority over her. He was her brother. They were equals and allies. He got scolded and punished by their parents just like her. And now he's the one scolding her? That's not right.

An unfortunate incident made Kyung Min finally accept the change in their household's dynamics. One night she refused to eat the food Namjoon cooked for her because she wanted to eat pancakes. Their parents are no longer there to say no to her so why can't she do as she pleases? She spat out the food that Namjoon fed her and threw her plate on the floor. Angry at the blatant disrespect, Namjoon promptly put her over his knees and gave her a well deserved spanking.

Kyung Min cried and ran all the way to Auntie Kwang Hee's house. But instead of getting sympathy from her aunt she got scolded for being difficult and rude to her brother who's only trying his best to take good care of her considering their present situation. She was reminded that their parents have already passed away and that Namjoon is the only one she got now. It will do her best to listen to him and cooperate. She finally realized her mistake, apologized to her brother and started obeying him.

Meanwhile, Namjoon deeply regretted his action that night. How could he hurt and make his sister cry? He felt that he's such a bad brother. But after having a long talk with their aunt and seeing how Kyung Min behaved well after that incident, he thought maybe what he did was justified. Since then, his relationship with his sister has gotten better and that was the first and last spanking she ever got from him.

Namjoon finally arrived at their house. Before entering he looked up to the sky.

"Appa, Eomma... please guide me."


Kyung Min's frantically cleaning their living room. She had invited her friends over and they fortunately had already left when she heard her brother's car. Why tonight of all nights did he decide to come home early? Why didn't he text her to say that he's on the way home like he always do? She is so screwed!

Namjoon entered the house and upon seeing the slight mess he knew already what transpired while he was at work. He sighed. Kyung Min didn't have to lie to invite friends over. He would allow it as long as she asks since it's Friday and there's no school tomorrow. It wouldn't matter if he's not there to supervise them because they would have Hye-rin. He shook his head. Sometimes his sister doesn't have the best judgement when it comes to making decisions. She really is still just a child.

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