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Yoongi looked at himself in his full length mirror and sighed. He's currently fixing his bowtie, which for the love of all things holy, he could never do even though he has worn this damn suit and tie for a hundredth time. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still.

"Stupid bowtie, stupid gala.", Yoongi murmured as the fabric slipped from his fingers once again.

A soft chuckle was heard and not a minute later, his boyfriend Jimin stood in front of him fixing the bow. Jimin tsked...

"Come on now, babe, don't start the night feeling grumpy."

Yoongi once again sighed, grateful for his boyfriend's patience. "You know I hate attending these galas. Who invented them in the first place?"

The lovers stood in front of the mirror side by side inspecting themselves to make sure they both look good. Yoongi's wearing a black suit with his dark hair brushed in place, bangs covering his forehead, small hoop earrings on both ears, a platinum ring on his right ring finger, with a black rimmed glasses completing his look. Jimin's in a dark navy suit, with a slim necktie, silver grey hair parted in the middle, a cross dangling earring on the left, a diamond stud on the right, several rings adorning his fingers. Both looking incredible.

Jimin hummed in approval. He then turned to hug his man, arms on Yoongi's neck, eyes disappearing into crescents as he smiled. "You look good, Yoongi hyung! I bet everyone will turn their heads to look at you when we enter the venue. I can just imagine the envious looks the men and women will throw at me once they see us together."

Yoongi laughed a little his sour mood beginning to dissipate. Leave it to Jimin to make it about him. But he loves his boyfriend dearly. Sure he has a praise kink and Yoongi loves nothing more than to feed his ego, making sure that Jimin knows how beautiful and perfect and well loved he is. Anything to make his lover happy. Because a happy Jimin is a happy Yoongi. Because let's be honest, Jimin really is a brat. But he's Yoongi's brat. And he couldn't care less if Namjoon always tease him for spoiling his baby rotten or when Hoseok complains for the nth time how Jimin's constant need for attention delays their projects. Whatever his baby wants, his baby gets.

"Oh I don't think they'll be looking at me, sweetheart. I bet you'll steal all the attention once you set foot at the event hall." Yoongi murmured while gently kissing Jimin's jaw.

His boyfriend giggled before letting go. "Okay, that's enough. We have to go before we ruin our makeup and suits."

"Oh, but that's a better idea. Let's just stay here and let me rip off that suit." Yoongi teased, looking at Jimin with lust laden eyes.

Jimin swatted Yoongi's hands that found their way around his waist. "You are not ruining an Armani! Seriously, we have to go. Everyone is waiting for you, Mr. CEO."

Yoongi groaned. He's the head of Min-Kim Labels. Surely, he can ditch a company event if he wants to. Namjoon can just take over for the night. The man is good with speeches and socializing and stuff. Isn't that his role as Co-CEO for?

Jimin smiled fondly at Yoongi, shaking his head slightly knowing full well what goes on in his boyfriend's mind.

Yoongi hates these kind of parties. But leading a fast rising recording company, he needs to make sure that he keeps his employees morale up. Hence, this yearly thanksgiving party where they honor their employees' hardwork. This is also the time where they give updates on their company's standing and progress as well as unveiling future projects. He just doesn't understand why it has to be formal, though. He blames Namjoon. The man is all about appearances and good impression. Especially in the presence of future clients and business partners.

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