Dr. Park (6)

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Chapter 6

Jimin is in hot water again. Dr. Kim will surely kill him this time, the resident thought as he sped through the hospital to get to the nurse's station of the west wing of the second floor.

"Hey, hey, Jimin slow down. Where's the fire? What are you doing here this early?", Hoseok called out upon seeing a frantic Jimin scramble to look for a specific chart. It's only 6 am and residents aren't expected to come in before 7 am. Jimin looked like a mess. His hair is still wet and the buttons on his shirt are uneven. It looked like he rushed out of his apartment without even looking in the mirror.

"Dr. Jung, Dr. Jung, Dr. Jung!', Jimin whispered the fellow's name in panic. "I messed up. Big time! Dr. Lim for sure this time will kill me if Dr. Kim doesn't do it first."

"Whoa! Calm down. Tell me what happened and I will try to help you fix whatever mess you got yourself into.", the fellow guided the resident to a chair and instructed him to take deep breaths.

"Feel better?"

Jimin shook his head, eyes still wide in fear.

"Okay, just tell me what happened.", Hoseok sighed, realizing that Jimin will not calm down until whatever problem he has is addressed.

"I woke up this morning and realized that I forgot to order the 'Colon prep' for Dr. Lim's 8 am colonoscopy today just like Dr. Kim instructed before we went home yesterday. I asked the from-duty resident this morning if she ordered it but she said since it wasn't endorsed, she didn't. She just assumed that I already did and didn't bother checking.", Jimin answered, his throat closing up. He can feel vomit rising, he seriously will puke if he opens his mouth again.

Hoseok frowned. That is a problem. If the patient wasn't prepared properly then they wouldn't be able to perform the colonoscopy as scheduled. Yes, Jimin's at fault but why didn't the resident on duty last night noticed that there was no order for a colon prep in the patient's chart? That means they didn't review the charts of the admitted patients last night which was part of their job. If they did then they would have noticed and fixed the problem themselves.

"Okay, why don't we check the chart and see if the senior resident ordered it?" Hoseok calmly asked for patient Choi's chart from one of the nurses. If the first-year resident didn't do it, then the senior resident should have done it. It's the duty group's responsibility to make sure everything is in order during their tour of duty. It is their fault as much as it is Jimin's if the patient wasn't prepared properly last night for his scheduled colonoscopy.

Both the fellow and resident breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the orders for colon preparation neatly written on the chart. However, Jimin's heart sank when he saw the note at the bottom of the order.

"Telephone order by Dr. Kim Namjoon."

Oh no... Jimin is definitely going to die today.

Hoseok gave Jimin a sympathetic pat on his back while he asked the nurses why it was Dr. Kim who gave the order and not the residents last night.

"We paged the first-year resident but she kept saying that she will get to it once she's done in her rounds with her other patients. We tried her senior but he said he's busy in the ICU and it's the first year's job. It's getting late already and if we didn't start the prep, the patient may not be ready by 8 am. We had no choice but to ask Dr. Kim.", the nurse in charge of patient Choi explained, making Jimin's stomach churn. The first-year lied to him.

"Okay, but why not call me? You know we shouldn't bother Dr. Kim once he's out of the hospital. You can contact me anytime. I'm the first-year fellow. I'm the one on call whenever you need help with these kinds of situations.", Hoseok patiently asked, seeing as Jimin is still in a state of panic.

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