Maknae Line

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"We are so screwed once the hyungs find out we're here. Why did I ever let you talk me into this?", Jimin hissed at Taehyung and Jungkook as they enter an underground rave party. Taehyung got an invitation from an old friend and invited his fellow maknaes. In their defense, the invitation comes from a trusted person so they decided it was safe to attend. Problem is, Jin did not give them permission to go so they decided to sneak out.

"Chill, Jimin hyung. We're already here so might as well enjoy. Let's not think about the boring hyungs.", Jungkook replied.

"Listen to Jungkook, Minnie. What's the point of even going if you're going to spend the rest of the night worrying?", Taehyung said.

Jimin exhaled and tried to calm himself. After giving much thought, he began to relax and truly enjoyed the party. The other two was right. Why did he even come if he's just going to sulk?

The night went well and the maknaes had a good time dancing and drinking with Tae's friends. Several hours later, they deemed it's time to go home and went their separate ways. Once out of the venue, the three realized that they have a problem. They didn't bring a car. How are they going to get home?!


"What does the Naver Map says, Tae?", Jimin anxiously asked.

"The subway isn't open until 5:30 am and the night bus just left. The next is scheduled to arrive after 30 minutes."

Jungkook felt relieved. "Good. Let's just take the bus. Where's the nearest bus station?"

"It's a 45 minute walk from here.", Tae said glumly.

"What? That's too far! And by the time we get there, the bus has already left and we will have to wait again. Great.", Jimin said getting frustrated by the minute.

"Can't we just call a cab, hyung?", Jungkook asked now getting nervous himself.

Tae shook his head. "That's the first thing I did. But the company said they have a shortage of drivers and the nearest one is about an hour away from here, assuming they don't have a passenger and can come here immediately. So it can actually take longer."

"Should we just look for a coffee shop and wait for the subway to open?", the youngest asked meekly.

"If we do that, Jin hyung's already awake by the time we get home. We'll get busted.", Jimin said in a slight panic.

The three looked at each other in silence before they spoke again. "I'm not comfortable standing here in the middle of the road in the wee hours of the morning." He sighed. "Let's just accept our fate and call one of the hyungs to pick us up. Don't worry, I'll tell them it was my idea and accept the punishment."

Jimin looked at Tae like he has two heads. "Are you crazy, Tae?! Have you been spanked by Jin hyung? Because I have and it hurts like hell. He has a heavy hand. My dad spanked me when I was a child but I didn't recall it being as painful as Jin hyung's. He'll tear our assess."

"Namjoon hyung, too.", Jungkook volunteered.

The two older looked at their Maknae in disbelief and chorused, "You got spanked by Namjoon hyung? Why?"

"Because I disrepected him. I went to the Rkive studio one time and started bothering him. I kept asking him to help me with my english lyrics even though he already told me to wait because he was still busy. I got impatient and so frustrated that I kicked his coffee table on the way out. He got mad and pulled me to his lap and gave me several swats. It wasn't much but man, did it hurt. Since then I vowed to never cross Namjoon hyung again.", Jungkook explained.

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