Joonie, Yoonie & Kookie (Part 3)

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Last part of the adventures of the naughty trio
Note: mentions spanking

Hoseok could not believe what he just heard. When his Jin hyung called he was expecting it was to reschedule the playdate. Definitely not being told that his son is a...


Well, Jin didn't exactly say that but from the story he just told Hoseok it's exactly what he's saying. How did this happen? Yes, Yoonie can be naughty sometimes. What kid isn't? But forcing Joonie to bend the rules or else he wouldn't play with him anymore? Where did he learned that?


"Yoonie? Can we talk?", Hoseok asked his son as he walked into his playroom.

Yoongi's heart sank. Daddy found out. Daddy always finds out.

Based on Yoonie's panicked expression, Hoseok already knew that it was true. He now wants to know what Yoonie was thinking why he thought it's okay to treat his friend like that. He internally sighed. This is going to be a long talk...

Hoseok sat down in front of Yoonie and stroked his orange hair. He wanted the kitten to be comfortable and not scared to tell the truth.

"Is it true that you asked Joonie to take the cookies even though we already told you that you can only have the rest after nap time?"

"Yes, Daddy..."

"Did you really tell Joonie that you wouldn't play with him anymore if he didn't do what you said?"

"Yes, Daddy..."

"Can you tell Daddy why you did that?"

Yoonie couldn't look at his Daddy in the eye. At first he didn't honestly think there was anything wrong with what he did. He just wanted more cookies. His daddy lets him have more than one. So why can't he have more this time? In his mind, daddies doesn't have to know. They're big boys! They can eat more cookies if they want. He doesn't understand why Joonie can't just get more for them. He wasn't really thinking of the possible consequences because... cookies!

He realized that he was wrong when Uncle Jinnie started scolding Joonie in the kitchen. It finally occured to him that he made Joonie break a rule that will probably result in a punishment. Joonie already told him that's what going to happen if he got caught. Why didn't he listen? Now Joonie probably doesn't want to be friends anymore and it's all his fault!

Hoseok was surprised when Yoonie began to cry. He pulled his son to his lap and hugged him. "What are you thinking, baby? Come on, tell daddy."

"Yoonie sorry. Yoonie just wasn't thinking about what will happen if Uncle Jinnie finds out. Yoonie just wants cookies. Daddy lets me have more!"

"Oh, baby. But it's Uncle Jinnie's house and he makes the rules for Joonie. When we're there we follow his rules. Because if we don't, see what happened? Joonie got scolded by Uncle Jinnie. Do you want your friends to get into trouble with their daddies? What if they're here and they told you to do things you don't want to do because it meant breaking our rules? How would that make you feel if they decided that they no longer want to play with you just because you wanted to be a good boy for daddy?"

Hoseok looked at his kitten's guilt-stricken face. He's not happy with his boy at the moment but he's glad that it seems that his son understands what he did wrong.

"Baby, do you know what it means to be a bully?"

Yoongi scrunched his face. Bully? What's that?

"Yoonie it's when friends don't treat their friends nicely. Like they tease them too much, make them do things they don't want to do, or sometimes they hurt them."

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