Namjinkook (Vampire AU Part 2)

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"Namjoon.", Seokjin countered with a frown upon hearing the disapproving tone in his husband's voice.

"Why does the newbie call you Eomma and me Appa?"

"Because ..." Seokjin started not bothering to hide his frustration.

"I was the one who bit him. I gave him his new life. So technically I 'gave birth' to him. I am essentially his 'mother' and you as my husband is his 'father'.", Seokjin explained.

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Yes it does! He's our child, Namjoon!"

"You know it doesn't work that way."

"Fine! And how do you propose he address you?"

"He can just call me Namjoon. But if you insist on having him call me something else other than my name then I prefer 'Sir' or 'Master'. Or considering that we live in a castle, 'Your Majesty or Your Highness' is also fine."

Seokjin gasped at his husband's proposal. "He is not a slave, Namjoon!"

"He can be if you allow me to...", Namjoon murmured.

"You are not going to make my baby do your chores for you, you big bully! He is here for me to spoil. If I hear even once that you're making his life here at home hard then you better be prepared to be banished from our room forever!", Seokjin roared.

"Fine. Fine. You win. And stop calling me Namjoon already. It's always Joon to you. You only call me Namjoon when you're mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong.", Namjoon pouted.

Seokjin floated to where his husband was standing and cooed. "Oh, my big baby. Don't worry, Joon. I'll take good care of you and our Jungkook! You won't regret welcoming him into our home."


"I'll be going now. I might be gone for a week. Remember, no going out unless the threat is actually inside the castle."

"Yes, dear!", Seokjin answered while rolling his eyes. "Why do you have to be gone for so long, anyway? Usually it's just days at a time. Why a week?"

"Because we finally have progress regarding the werewolves. They seem new, different from the ones previously encountered by our ancestors. We have to find out if this is a result of nature, meaning a new mutation just like how the original vampires and werewolves came to be or if someone is playing god."

Seokjin pouted. He knows how important his husband's job at the coven is. So as much as he hates being away from Namjoon for long periods of time he has come to accept it and support him. Namjoon is part of the current board members of the Luna Splendida Coven. And as head of the Security Council it is his job to make sure that all of the members are accounted for and safe. The council also deals with perceived threats and neutralizes them if warranted.

The sudden appearance of the new werewolves caught them off guard. They've been trying to track them down to hopefully clear any issues with them and make sure they're not dangerous to their kind but they've been elusive. The Grand Count Suho has already reached out and spoken to the Supreme Pack Alpha Jaebum and the leader has denied any rogue wolves. No one has left their pack since the 18th century. They have maintained their stance that they no longer wish to make any contact with vampires and humans alike. Everyone is accounted for. This information left Namjoon and his council baffled. Where did these new wolves came from?

"Alright, now Seokjin..." Namjoon began again. "Make sure to teach Jungkook the rules and by-laws of the coven. Familiarize him with the important members of the council. Don't let him out of your sight especially when he feels thirsty; make sure he's well fed. When I get back we can take him to the Coven's house and officially register him as part of our family."

"Oh, goody!", Seokjin is clapping his hands while bouncing in the air. "I can't wait for him to meet the rest of the coven. I'm going to plan a nice welcome party for him. It's been a while since we last had a gathering here in our home."

"Okay, you do that. In the meantime, let him regain his strength then you can teach him how to fly. And oh, please stop telling him that if he concentrate hard enough he can transform into a bat. You know that's not true. And those things creep me out! Ugh!"

Seokjin once again pouted. "You're no fun, Joon!" Before he can make any further comments, Namjoon pulled him down to the ground so that he can kiss his husband goodbye properly. After their lips parted, Seokjin called for the newbie vampire.

"Jungkook! Come say goodbye to your Appa!"

The now forever-sixteen Jungkook appeared and went to Namjoon shyly. "Goodbye, A-appa. Please take good care of yourself."

Despite his initial apprehesions on their current set-up, Namjoon did not even cringe upon hearing his new nickname. Instead, he smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair. "Thank you, Jungkook. Make sure to behave well and listen to your Eomma. You're not allowed to go beyond the castle grounds until I say it's safe, understood?"

Jungkook just smiled and nodded, still feeling awkward around Namjoon. Seokjin then hugged his husband one last time before sending him away. After securing all the windows and doors, he turned to his newborn vampire with a huge grin.

"Now that your Appa's gone, let the fun begin!"


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