Frank played a few unreleased songs he had written out there.

"That's amazing."

"I'm stuck though. I feel like I've talked about everything I've wanted to touch on and I'm looking for new shit to write about." He replied.

Just then, Tyler stormed in with a smoothie in one hand, pizza on the other.

"Nigga you need to start locking that door—," he set everything down.

"I thought you had shit to do?" Solange greeted him.

"Stupid meeting. Was boring as fuck," he dapped up Frank.

You could instantly feel the shift in energy as soon as Tyler stepped in.

"Fuck you so quiet for?" Tyler stopped and looked at Rose.

"I'm taking it in nigga." Rose laughed, alluding to Solo and Frank.

"Nigga! wait, she tell y'all she went on a date with this nigga The Weeknd?" Tyler laughed, plopping himself on another Eames chair.

"Hold on—Abel?" Solange furrowed her brows.

Rose sighed.

"Why do you bring irrelevant shit up?" she chuckled, "but yeah, we met at your birthday party...ended up going on a date."

"He asked me that night about you. I told him to find out himself," Frank chuckled.

"So how was it?" Solange grinned.

Rose could feel her cheeks flush.

"We just went to Providence and..." she smirked, alluding.

"Y'all didn't!" Solange laughed.

"Oh shit!" Tyler joined.

"So is it steady or just a one night thing?" Frank asked.

"I think it's steady...I like him."

"By the way, that song you helped him write...crazy." Frank smiled.

"Oh shit, you heard it?!" Rose was genuinely surprised. She wasn't even planning on mentioning it.

"He sent it to me yesterday," he started pulling it up on his phone as he connected it to the speakers.

It began to play, everyone nodding their heads to the beat; making comments about the lyrics and what they liked.

"That's why I was like—oh shit, I've gotta have you come in," Frank lowered the volume once it got to the end.

"That was tight." Tyler nodded in approval.

Solange agreed.

They started talking about some lyrics that could go to a song Frank had playing.

"Is that Uzowuru production?" Rose asked over the song.

Frank nodded.

"How the fuck did you catch that?" Tyler looked over in astonishment.

"It's super minimal—,"

"I didn't even catch that the first time."

Tyler was genuinely impressed and immediately had some newfound respect for Rose's familiarity with production.

Frank began to speak some lyrics over the beat as it looped.

"... They don't say grace, not even for meals, not even for millions
Fuck it, I'm pretty still, look at my deal
Richard Mille, look at my ears, flooded with diamonds..." he stopped. "Fuck," he looked down at his phone as he typed lyrics.

"You should lead with that, it sounds good," Rose spoke.

"Nigga I just told you that the other day." Tyler looked over at Frank. "Go full arrogant—but he don't want to."

"Y'all don't think it's too much?"

"Fuck no, talk ya shit." Solange smiled.

Frank continued, easily writing some more lyrics which led to it being almost half finished.

Frank started mixing the song, adding adjustments to the production.

"Higher." Tyler and Rose said in unison. They looked at eachother in surprise.

"Higher it is..." Frank laughed, adjusting the tone in the song.

They nodded their heads as the song went on.

"You should—,"

"I think—,"

Tyler and Rose spoke at the same time again, stopping as they looked over at eachother.

"Go ahead." Tyler spoke.

"I was just gonna say I think you should fade out that last part instead of it—,"

"—ending all abrupt at the end. I was gonna say the same thing." Tyler interrupted her.

Solange and Frank fell silent as they eyed eachother.

"Y'all are the same fucking person," Solange chuckled.

"It's fucking crazy," Frank agreed.

Tyler shrugged, both Rose and him trying not to make a deal out of it—but it was obvious how in tune they were.

Star: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now