Chapter 17: Skulls&Fist

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Hey my little Devil's fear not Momma is here.



To say that I woke up pissed was an understatement. This is why I told Sinister's ass to pull over all the way in the woods not just the side. Fuckin dickhead I was going to punch his shit in when we got out.

His ass Sat passed the fuck out, over in the men's holding cells across from mine. I looked down at the jail scrubs I was wearing, I fuckin hated yellow it was never my color.

Looking around at all the woman in this cell, with me my eyes landed on one in particular. She looked a little to young to be in here and she looked bat shit scared.

Man oh man I remember my first time in holding ,waiting to see the commissioner and post bail. Come to think about the, first time I was arrested was because of Sinister's ass. Asshole took my virginity then disappeared, only to pop back up with some club slut. So I set his ass and hers on fire ,with a bottle of jack and a lighter.

"Get up Bitch this is my seat."

I looked at this hooker, with bright pink lipstick and green eyeshadow. She had this leather top on and, a skirt so short it could fit Sofia.

Now her shoes were actually really cute ,but the rest of her was a damn mess. Men actually stick their dicks in this, yeesh.

"look  lady I'm not in the mood for this bullshit, keep it moving."

"I'm gonna fuck you up hoe."

At that point I stood up in her face ,she swung and hit me in the side of my head. I felt a little dazed but I looked at her and smirked.

"Oh it's on now Bitch".

Before she could respond I attacked her ass with three punches to the kidneys. Oh this was going to be fun, first it was she and I fighting then I felt someone jump on my back and pull my hair. So I stumbled us back into the bars and, banged her up against it before elbowing her in the face.

At this point I guess the slut committee ,wanted action, because I was taking and giving punches left and right . I could hear the men yelling in the other holding cell, across the tier. The bars started rattling and, you hear women screaming no doubt from pain I was inflicting.

One of the bitches must have started a fire, with  matches because,the sprinkler system went off. If Sinister's ass wasn't awake before his ass should've been now.

I grabbed a fist full of some blonde chicks hair ,before ramming my knee in her face. Next thing I see is the police coming in. With shields and pepper spray. They have to be some kind of stupid, because  The sprinkler was on. Making the pepper spray ineffective, I was tackled to the floor.

By a big dude oh this really pissed me off. I managed to flip us over and knee him in the balls.I knew this shit was gonna get me another charge.

I was completely subdued at some point, and restrained by the officer's. I seen Sinister looking over distraught about the situation . The fuck was his problem when we get out of this ,shit I was going to fuck him up, this was his damn fault.

The officer's took me to a different holding cell, to be psychic evaluated. The doctor would soon find out I was fucked up beyond this world. I snickered all the while, the cop in front of me looked around nervous.

I was beginning to dose off when the guard , called my name  saying that I made bail. So once I went through the process of being released ,I looked around for Sinister.  Getting impatient  I went to the desk to ask about my husband.

"Excuse me when is my husband getting released.?"

"What's his name?"

"Sinister Oherra"

The cop looked through the database for Sin.

"No He is still in holding ma'am"

"Umm could you tell me who bailed me out ?"

" look lady someone named Percival McConnell."

The cop went back to eating his sandwich and watching some soccer game. I turned to leave only to have my ears met with Sin's loud ass voice. Now this fucker chooses to speak up.

"Hey babe are you.... Oh shit that's a big ass hickey on your forehead, and is that a patch of hair missing.?"

"Shut the fuck up and let's go home Sinister,"
He held his hands up in surrender and moved forward, to the doors. Once we were outside , the club set waiting on their bikes. Mix had his phone out recording Sin and I fighting  as we left.

"The fuck happened to my daughter Sinister."?

"She started a fight with a hooker, and caused a riot."

I just stood there ready to go then I remembered , something I pivoted around on my feet and punched Sin in the eye.

"Crazy Bitch !!!! What the fuck was that for?" Sin yelled out.

"Thats for getting us arrested in the first fuckin place dickhead."

"Me ...... you sick psychotic bitch ,it was you who said pull over to fuck in the , woods not me."

"Hey Sin you feeling like you wanna tumble ,just say  So ,cause if another bitch comes, outta ya mouth you will be missing teeth."

Percival just watched and laughed , while getting back on his bike. Mix had the whole thing recorded.

I watched as a prospect was lowering Sinister's bike to the ground. Off the flatbed truck, he handed the keys to Sin. Who walked pass me to his bike or as he called it Loretta. I watched him turn Loretta on and wait for me the truck pulled off.

Sin Sat waiting for me to get on his bike, I thought about  it for a second and knew better than to piss his stupid ass off anymore. I walked over to him and threw my leg over to get on. He pulled me up the rest of the way.

"Hey babe ?" .I whispered into his ear and bit his ear lobe.

"Oh hell nah".

"Come on Sin it could be fun ".

"HELL. TO. THE . NO , now put this damn helmet on your head, I'm not going back to jail tonight."

" damn it Sin you take the fun out of everything, well hurry up let's get back to the clubhouse."

Sin raised his fist then pulled off into the street with the rest of the club following. While he drove  I unzipped his pants and stuck my hand down there.

He tensed up a little then kicked his bike into another gear and sped down the road.  I just wanted to tease him some, cause when we got to the clubhouse. I was gonna spend some much needed time with my kids. Oh and sleep he wasn't getting this ass tonight .


😈😈😈😈😈 Hello my babies Momma Devil has missed you all , what have you been up to😈😈

welll I have a publisher who's interested in the Devil's Scouts Property Mc's series😈😈😈

I'll make sure you guys get to read them all first though, things maybe a little different once they have been edited of course. 😈😈

So be sure to let Momma Devil hear you in the comments😈😈

Until next chapter
                 Love Momma Devil😘😈

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