Chapter 3: Just A Taste

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So this chapter has A lot of mature content. You have been warned  XXX will be placed before it starts so look out for that.

Every night Sin came to my house by helping to pack up all of our things. I never noticed but my mom had A lot of shit, that was mainly placed in storage. The furniture would be donated to the goodwill,so would the pots and pans.

Today was Friday and I was working, when my phone started to vibrate. I walked to the break room to answer it. The voice on the other was a little out of breath.

"Hello....Nat lock down for club members, and family." Said Sin.

"Uhhh, Sin I can't , I'm working my shift isn't over for another four hours. Besides no one knows about me , so I should be fine." I said to him.

"Yes they do Nat!. did you forget that, my claim had to be, voted in?.  Where's your brother and sister right now?, I  can grab them then you."

Taking a deep breath in and out before ,I spoke up again.

"Sin my brother is working and Sofia is in daycare."


Well I guess he's angry ,cause he can't get his way, but I'm not leaving my job. He doesn't even know where the Hell I work at, so how  would anyone else.Sin was yelling through the phone and I was looking at my nails. I knew my next words would piss him off.

Then I herd Cage wrestle the phone, out of his hand. Which must have been successful because he spoke  next.

"Nat why are you driving this man insane?."

"Cage you can't make some one insane , who's already reached that special place."

"Come on Nat  He just wants to make sure you and the kids are okay."

"Cage I promise we are going to be completely, safe where we are. He can wait for four hours ,for us to get there."

"Alright Nat just check in every hour, with him if you can."

" I will call him when, Naz and I get off of work, tell him  if he wants to be useful to go pick us up some clothes. Or I can stop and get it myself."

I didn't hear anything then,  Sin's voice came, through the phone.

"I'll go to the store and get y'all something. Your ass is  mine when you....."

I cut Sin's rant off by hanging up on him. I would have laughed but they where paging the lab. Walking and looking at the computer , there was no doubt in my mind that my little conversation caused me. To be backed up in work, made me want  kill Sin myself. Mason and Kiko where on the south and east wings , of the hospital drawing blood. So I was left  to process it into the system. Mason was like the gay bestfriend every woman wished for. I've known him since elementary school.

His parents couldn't except his sexual preferences,so they refuse to have anything to do with him. He was the reason I got this job in the first place.
Mason's boyfriend Charlie owned a few night clubs in the city. I haven't talked to him ,about me and Sin yet he is going to shit a cow.

Kiko is half Japanese and African American. Sweet Jesus that woman is gorgeous.I tell her all the time,but she just waves me off, and says it takes a baddie to know another baddie. Mason and I met her in high school, where  she punched . The school slut Blaire Ingram in the throat, and we have loved her since.

I knew one thing though they would have my ass, when they seen all these lab request they would have to do. When they got back down to the lab. On cue I herd their carts rolling off the elevator, and Mason's loud voice.

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