Chapter6: Are You Kidding Me

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So this is still in Sinister's POV. Play the song towards the end.

Enjoy My Luvs Lcc😘
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Sinister POV

We followed cage all the way to Miami, to say that I was dog shit tiered was an understatement. My back ached and my bad ear started to feel a little sore, thanks to my woman.

Just thinking about Nat's sexy, crazy ass had me increasing my speed a little.I was going to drag her Ass back home, even if I had to tie her to the back of my bike. I noticed Cage start to slow down to turn off of the highway, onto a dirt road. With what look to be some type of fruit trees , making a shades arch.

There was a huge house around the bend of the road. Cage came to a stop and shut his bike off. We all followed behind and the same. I saw another bike parked in the driveway, next to a ram pick up truck. That's when I seen Naz come out onto the porch.

" Hey uncle Cage took you long enough, Nanna made Irish cookies for you." Naz yelled out.

"You grew facial hair on me kid, what has my momma been ,feeding you?"

I stood and watched the interaction between the two. They hugged each other and the rest of the crew members hugged Naz. His eyes locked on mine, and there was a look of amusement and sympathy. Before he spoke to me.

" Damn dude no love , I mean I know my sister kicked your ASS." He said while snickering.

"Hey kid how ya' been?"

" Good , no need to be nervous Nat's not here yet."

I let out the breath I was holding, I don't know why I was acting this way. I walked up the porch and gave him a side hug. Naz motioned for me to follow him inside. Once I walked in there was a, beautiful older lady standing in the center of the room.

She had long ginger and grey hair, with the deepest dimples I had ever seen. She glanced my way and then said.

"Come here boy , I won't bite. You Must be Sin?"

"Yes ma'am, I am".

"Well Sin welcome to my home, I don't know how much ya' gonna be welcomed, when Nataliha gets home."

"I suspect she may shoot ya' but I hid the guns, when my son called."

My face paled Nat and guns was never good , she was a sure fuckin shot. I knew that because I fell in love with her when I saw her kill two shots of Jack and manage to still hit her targets. We were kids back then, I've always loved her, but my dick had a mind of its own.

We sat and talked for awhile, she showed us to the rooms we all would stay in. My room was on the back end of the house, facing the fruit field that had greenhouses.
There was a knock on my door, then Naz popped his head in.

"You busy?"

"Nah what's up?"

"Listen I just wanted to make sure you don't upset Nat when she gets here."

"I don't want to upset ,your sister man I ..I just want her back and you guys to."

"You do realize that my sister and I don't want this lifestyle."
I nodded my head taking in the information.

"Well nanna said it's time for dinner"

We stood up together and left my room. There was a long table that sat thirty people, covered in nothing but traditional Irish home cooking. I looked around the table only to find Nat and Sofia missing.

Before I could ask where they were the front door opened up.

" Nanna were home , hey it smells good......". Her worse stopped as soon as she seen me sitting at the table along with the guys. She brushed pass Cage's chair and placed Sofia in her high chair.

I looked at her from head to toe only to stop on her protruding belly. I had so many emotions wash over me. One being hurt , then anger she was fucking pregnant and didn't bother to tell me.

"Well look at you Nat ,come here let me look at you, why didn't you call and tell me?"

"Well now ye'know I don't want no fussing at my dinner table boy"

Cage's mother said. Nat sat down at the other end of the table with her family catching up with cage. I sat in a daze I never touched my plate of food. I couldn't put a sentence together, to speak. Pushing my chair away from the table and excusing myself. I walked away and went to the room I was staying in.

Half an hour later there was a knock on my door. When I didn't answer the door was opened , and Nat wobbled in my room. I turned my head on the other direction, to Pissed to fucking look at her. I know what I did was fucked up but this was beyond anything I could have done to her.

"Can we talk Sin?"

"Now you wanna talk, the time to talk was months ago Nataliha."

She shook her head and took a deep breath.
"Can I sit down?"
I shook my head no, this shit was so fucked up.

"You were going to have my kid ,and I would never have known if it wasn't for me coming here."

"Nataliha just go , I don't want to see you right now."

She nodded her head I watched her walk out the door. I couldn't forgive her for this, I dug through my bag and pulled out the divorce papers. I signed my name. I waited before I got my shit to go and talk to Nat. It wasn't hard to find her bedroom, because Sofia's room was right across the hall with the door cracked.

When I opened the door she was asleep, closing the door I tip toed to her bed. She was on her side with one hand over her belly and the other under the pillow. Squatting down to look at her , I reached my hand out and placed it on her belly.

I felt a hard kick under my palm, I waited to see if it would happen again , but the kick never came. I was going to move my hand when ,I felt her small hand guide my hand. To another spot on her belly where my kid was kicking like crazy. I pulled my my hand away when I seen the kid moving around.

She snickered and tried to sit up , I grabbed her hand and guided her to a sitting position.

"Nat you hurt me worst than what I could have ever imagined."

"I know Sin and I'm sorry for that, I was going to tell you , but I never got the courage to do it."

I didn't say anything I just caressed her belly.

"You know I'm not leaving y'all here , I never had intention to came , here to get my family back only to find out I'm gonna be a dad."

"Sin I don't want to be apart of all the club shit, that's why I sent divorce papers."

"You have me fucked up if you think I'm not gonna be apart of my kid's life"

Tossing the papers on her bed and walking to the door. I turned and said. " I signed the papers but you and the kids will be coming back home , when we leave I won't be a part time father."

The next morning I woke up to Cage's voice outside my door telling us to saddle up, for the meeting. Gathering all my shit up I went and took a quick shower. Today was going to be a long fuckin day.

I had to end the chapter here I know it's short.

Yes Nataliha is pregnant !!!!!
And she sent divorce papers . To Sin's ass.

Don't worry momma Cage will make more of an appearance in the coming chapters.

Y'all don't be ghost readers let me hear y'all in the comments. I want dedicate a chapter to one of me readers.

I'm also taking your guess as to what Nataliha is having. And is a boy or girl 🤔

Until next chapter my luvs

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