Chapter 9: Sins of the Father

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Hello my little devil's this chapter was kind of hard to write. I have to say this now to my readers please pretty please DON'T kill me.

I also want to say thank you to anyone who is reading my book and Welcome to the little devil's😘😘😘😘.

Oh by the way Devil's Scouts has reached a little over 500 reads let's keep , going little devil's. Like, comment, and share. Momma devil loves you all😘😘😘😘


Sinister POV

I watched as Nat slept in my bed at the clubhouse. My kids were tucked in beside her. They  we're both so beautiful. My son looked just like me with Nat's black hair. Oh my daughter looked so much like her mother , I would definitely need to keep my guns loaded.

There was a knock on my door, which ended my creepy staring, of my wife and kids. Oh yeah you herd me right, there was no way in hell she was leaving me again.

I burned the divorce papers on the stove, after we bought my family up to my room. I couldn't wait until Nataliha went looking for them. She was more than likely going to murder me.

Once I opened the door flap jack Moe was there leaning against the door frame.

"Church Brother".

Nodding my head I walked out following behind him.
" congrats on the kids brother and welcome to fatherhood."

The rest of the ride in the elevator was silent aside from flap jack Moe's  humming the ABC's.
The meeting room was full of brother's. I was about to take my seat when a there was a whizzing sound past my ear. Then the sound of glass breaking, when  I looked around the table Cage's head had a whole in it the size of a golf ball. Then screaming could be herd from outside and more gun fire.

Everyone sprang into action and began to filter out into, the clubhouse to take cover and fire back. My mind raced to my family upstairs, and I prayed they were okay. Pulling my desert eagle out of my holster I fired threw a broken window. Hitting an enemy in the knee caps that fucker was mines when this shit ended.

Once the gunshots stopped I stood up to  access the damage and loss.
Psycho emerged in the door of the clubhouse limping dragging a lady in different patches.

"Caught this bitch  in the trees with a sniper rifle."

"Take her to the slab house, while I go grab the shit I shot in the knee caps."

"Sure thing , come along sweets."

Mix was holding his shoulder when I made it outside. While slasher held his  side. I pulled his hand away to see blood leaking out of side.

"Don't worry bout me I'm good just a little flash wound, but you should know this, before your wife gets wind. Her brother was shot in the leg and shoulder."

"Hmmmm well then I guess our two guest won't see the good sunshine again, once she finds out."

"Slab house for this shithead boys."

"Oh shit ....."
Mix never finished his comment before all I seen  was a cane being bashed over my new captives head.

Momma McConnell was standing over top of the now unconscious man.

"That's for the hot lead in my grandson, ye'best get that room ready , my granddaughter is gonna want blood. We're gonna show yall how McConnell dish out death."

I walked into the slab room with slasher and Mix dragging the unconscious man behind me. Before the door could close momma McConnell  slid it open.

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