Chapter 10: Devil's Advocate

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Hey my little devil's Momma's back with another chapter for you.

Sin's POV

I watched as momma McConnell shuffled her way out of the slab house. Only to turn around to hit ,Mix in the knee caps with her cane.

"Next time hold those fluids in boy, wait until Nataliha has her go , with sugar plum over there."

She pointed to the chick that Nat was currently circling like her next meal.

"Nat my dear show her a real life devil, for me my love while I go watch my grandchildren."

"Oh it will be my  pleasure."
Once the door closed shut, Nat took her hoodie off and was standing in her black wife beater , leggings and those Damn  bunny slippers.

"Why were you sent here ?"

She asked the chick in the chair, who's only response was to spit in Nat's face. The spit dribbled down her chin onto her shirt. Nat just snickered and wiped her face, with The back of hand.

"Sinister un chain her ass, I don't want this to easy on her."

I signaled Mix to unlock her , she flexed her hands then swung her fist right at his face. Mix hissed and yanked her up to her feet.

" which one of you devil bitches wants some, you won't get shit outta me"

Out of no where Nat punched her in the mouth. The chick be Dr had a chance to recover. Nat attacked her like a storm. She fist out to counter but, Nat was way quicker grabbing her fist she, pulled her forward then broke it.

"Who sent you.?"

Nat asked again to which the girl charged at trying to lift Nat off her feet. A crack was herd in the room and Nat stepped away giggling. Grabbing the girls hair Nat dragged her to the chair and set astride her legs.

I watched as she stuck her fingers into the girls eyes and popped out an eyeball. She smiled at her handy work. Psycho looked at his daughter with pure and utter pride.

"Who sent you?".

The girl started to cry hysterically before she yelled out.

"My VP's old lady Tessa, she said that the Devil's Scouts was planning on making a move on the Dancing Pigs."

"Please don't kill me I only followed out an order please.."

A look of pure rage crossed Nat's face  She stood up and walked over to the table. Running her hands over all the devices and stopped at a scalpel. Smiling sadisticlly she walked back to the girl , sat back down on her and began carve into her face.

While she hummed that creepy song and tapped her bunny slippers on the floor. The blood curdling screams leaving the woman's mouth  we're deafening to the ear.

I didn't know if I should be turned on or scared, but the way she looked skinning this lady turned me on to no end I was rock hard looking at her. Psycho looked over at me and said

"Put your boner away she just gave birth you sick , sick man."

" Hey you calling me sick when your family just basically just out did Hannibal and performed silence of the lambs."

"Oh hush puppies I got blood on my slippers."

I looked over at Nat completely shocked at the fact that she was upset over her slippers getting blood on them.

"Sin ?"

"Ummmmmm yeah babe, you done there.?"

"Oh Nahhhhh I'm not finished with sugar plum just yet.can you buy me some more bunny slippers.?"

"Yeah sure thing baby, you can have all the bunny slippers you want."

"Awesome,I would like some pink ones this time."

She turned her attention back to the half dead woman, And continued to  saw away skin.

" You know Nat if you  turn her upside down the skin comes off more smoothly."

"Really !!!!, why didn't I think of that the first time, oh well it's gonna be some puncture wholes in the skin, she's got piercings."

My eyes grew the size of saucers at this sick ass conversation the two were having. My wife and her family were 50shades of fuckin psychotic.

Nat stood up and tossed the scalpel to the side, while grabbing at the skin on the girls body. At this point the screams turned into moans , then shallow breathing. She was on the brink of death.

Nat smacked the girls face that now had no skin on it.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, sugar plum stay with me now the fun is not over dear."

"We have just begun the fun stuff, you see Tessa is my cunt of an aunt, and for everything she has done I'm going to take it out on you."

For the next hour and a half, I watched  the most gruesome form of dismemberment , I have ever seen in my life. Nat took that girl apart piece by piece. From the skin to muscles to bones, she did all this while her and psycho hummed that creepy ass Irish song.

I thought she was done , with this sick ass shit , but no my crazy ass wife had to take it even further scalping the dead lady and cutting out her tounge. She said she wanted to keep them and could psycho cure the scalp, skin, and tongue.

Yep she was nuts and that made me think about those divorce papers again. She is beyond bat shit crazy, and I have no doubt  that I would be skinned alive literally.

Once she actually finished her sadistic fun , she walked over to me, and punched me twice in the nuts. I sucked in a breath before I hunched over a little.

"The fuck you hit me for?"

"You shouldn't have fucked  that cunt ass whore in the first place dickhead."

"I hope you learned to keep it your pants."

Nat looked down at her slippers  and pouted those sexy fuckin lips. Like she didn't just slaughter a human being, and take the skin like leather Face.

"Now I have to go take a Damn shower. Sin you need to come help me out and no we ain't fuckin I just pushed to kids outta my pussy."

Lord help me this woman was a goddamn nut job, like the rest of her family.


Well now so the whole damn McConnell family is sick ass people.

Sin never saw this part of Nat , do you think he is freaked the Hell out.?

You guys can comment you know momma devil love you all.😘

Until next time this chapter was a treat for you all.

Let's get the Devil's Scouts to a thousand reads. The book is actually completed well minus the major editing that has to be done.

This book currently has a book 2

Well my little devil's until next time momma devil loves you😘😘😘😘😘

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