A Close Death Encounter

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     While Yunlan was eating with  his family. He tried spoon feeding his mother whose seated far away from them.

   "Why is Xiao Wei is still  didn't  doing anything?"  He whispered  to himself. His father suddenly  cough, "Yunlan I want you and your mother sleep in my room. So we could have a bonding to one another." Her mother scream suddenly  and hold Yunlan. "No! No! Not my son!" Yunlan look puzzle  on her. "Maybe another time, my mother needs me." As he caress his mother face.

    Suddenly  the ground shake and outside men screaming and gun shoot have been heard. "We are underattack boss!" His father calmed  face change, "How did they find us? Where moving?!" Until he landed  his eyes to Yunlan.

    He suddenly  stand and pulled Yunlan away from  his wife and search  his body. Yunlan tried to struggle  away from he so called father. As he reach for the homing device on his body. He took it off and stumped  on it. And suddenly  slapped  Yunlan hard making him thrown down on the floor.

    "My son!" Her mother scream as she run toward Yunlan. Zhuiji smirk. "Your working with our enemy! I don't  have a traitor  son!" His father shout. "Zhuiji! Kill his  husband right away if you see him here! This will teach you Yunlan not to mess with me!" His father shout again. "Please! Not  Xiao Wei!" He begged  his father but he was taken by the men of Zhuiji with his mother and lock to another room.

    Yunlan tried to barge on the lock door. Shen Wei  on the other hand was still on his speed boat and guiding his men to where Yunlan is place but the homing device suddenly  stop. "Sh-t! They notice the gadget!" Suddenly  sargent Chu called him that they almost apprehended the enemy but they need to know the location of his wife, Yunlan. 

     "They found the homing device and now I don't  know where he is? Sargent Chu! Please find my wife!" Ask Shen Wei.  "Roger! Sir! Will do!" And ran toward a hall with his men.

    Yunlan on the other  hand tried to get out through  an air ventilation.  "Mother! Could you wait for me here! I need to find my husband to warn him!" His mother wipe his blooded  lips where his father slapped  him. As she nod.  Yunlan smile to and kiss her on the cheek. And climbed  the air ventilation.

    While Yunlan is inside the ventilation,  he heard gun shot and shouting. As he peek to the window of the ventilation  when he saw it was clear, he open the window and dropped  himself  on the floor, butt first. "Ouch! Why does the ventilation  have no ladder!"  As he rubbed  his butt and walk toward outside.

    Just to see his brother Zhuiji with a bazooka at his arms and aim on a certain boat. "Oh! No! Xiao Wei!" As he saw the man standing  at the far boat is indeed his husband,  Shen Wei. He tried to snatch  the bazooka away from Zhuiji and called for Shen Wei  to notice them.

    But he didn't  anticipate  Zhuiji  have two men guarding him and hold the struggling Yunlan. "Brother! No! Don't  kill  my husband!" He shout. Shen Wei  turned as he heard Yunlan  shout his name. "Gotcha!" Said Zhuiji as he fired the bazooka. It hit the speed boat and explode. "No!!!" He gotten angry and kick  the men at his stomach. While the other he flipped  up and punches the man on his face.

    Zhuiji tried to hit him. But Yunlan caught his wrist. "I'm not the weakling little brother  you knew!" As he hit Zhuiji hard on the face, knocking him down toward the  floor. Without any minute Yunlan dive in the water to find his husband. As he swim toward the wreck speed boat and calling Shen Wei's  name.

    Luckily  Shen Wei  dive seeing the missile  aim at their boat.  As the boat exploded with a bang. He was hit with a piece of wood at his head and almost lost concious.  He tried to swim near a piece of wood. When he laid himself there and lost  concious .

     While Yunlan swimming he saw Shen Wei  floating on a piece of wood. He swim toward it. And he tried to wake Shen Wei  and notice he have blood dripping  on his forehead. Luckily Yunlan saw a nearby island as he pulled the piece of wood where Shen Wei is  laid toward it.

    At the seashore, Yunlan lift his husband up and walk toward a desserted cave as he laid Shen Wei  there. He took off his shirt and teared it to tied it to Shen Wei's  head to stop the bleeding.

    He ran outside to get some piece of woods to make a bon fire before night fall. As he made a fire he took Shen Wei's  wet clothes off leaving only his shorts and hang it to a nearby tree.  And ran toward the seashore to see if there's  any ship. He gather white big stones and made an SOS sign on the beach floor incase a helicopter came.

    And went back to the cave to attend to Shen Wei's  wound. Shen Wei  stir and fluttered  his beautiful  eyes meeting cute brown eyes, "Yunlan! Your alright!" As he tried to sit but his head ache. Yunlan  made him laid back again.

    "Don't  move, your wounded on your  head rest for a while! As I catch a fish for dinner!" When he was about to stand up, Shen Wei  pulled him for a kiss. "I'm sorry! I'm so obsessed  in  my revenge that I have forgotten about you and risked  your life! When the homing device suddenly  went off. I can't  breath as I thought  your father had caught   you with it and killed you! That's  when I realize I was a fool in baiting you to get your family!" As he embrace Yunlan.

    Yunlan smile and kiss him back. "I know! You don't  need to explain everything, I understand  you! And now, please let go of me so I can get a fish  for our dinner." When Shen Wei  let him go, Yunlan ran toward the shore to catch some fishes  using the fishing rod he made.

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