His Past Life

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     "Brother? Did you have a brother?" Ask Shen Wei.  "Did I say that?" Yunlan suddenly  laugh. "No...no! You misunderstood! I never said brother!"

    As he cover himself  up so Shen Wei  won't  ask anymore question.


     When Yunlan was young, he was so happy having a big family with his mother, father and a big brother plus all of their servants. As his father told him they are. To the eyes of a child everything what their parents and elders are doing is always right and  the best for them.

    But one day, Yunlan accidentally  tailed his big brother Zhuiji in a warehouse where they kept all of their enemies.  Zhuiji was a teenager back then with his father and few of his men, when they shot a man at his head for being a rival to their business.

    For a five year old child Yunlan was shock. "Zhuiji! I told you to keep Yunlan out of the warehouse!" Shout his father. Zhuiji quickly carried Yunlan back to their house while crying. His mother tried to comfort him. At another incidents at his seven birthday. While all of them were celebrating.

    Men with arms surprised  them and gave them rain of bullets. Luckily they're  men are ready and killed all of them. Yunlan's  happy life turned into dark. Her mother plead to his father to stop this kind of business or she'll divorce him. But his father won't  listen.

    And that day came, that her mother leave with him. Yunlan doesn't  want to leave his big brother side but his mother insist. She is scared that oneday her children might die in that kind of business. She tried to get Zhuiji but his husband won't  let him. "You have to pick only one and the other is mine. If not both will stay at my side and you will have none!"

    She haven't  had a choice but to pick Yunlan because his the youngest. And they depart to the city where  her mother work as a secretary at a small post office. But oneday her mother never returned.  Yunlan wonder around the street trying to find his mother until police took him to an orphanage in an island where an old nun taking care of children.

    There he find Yezun and Da quing whom he became friends, Yezun is two years older than him while Da quing  is the same age as him. But they look up at Yunlan as an older brother. Because his much mature than the adventurous  Yezun.

    As they grow up they promise to the old nun if she die they will take care of the orphanage and the children. Until now.


     Shen Wei  mustn't  know his a son of a crook or else he might divorce him. And left him for another. As he shiver in his blancket, suddenly  soft hands pulled his waist toward Shen Wei.

     Yunlan shivering stop as warm embrace envelop him. Making him safe from anything.  "What's  the matter are you cold?" Shen Wei  ask. While his hand went inside Yunlan shirt massaging his body to warm up. Yunlan can't  help to moan whenever Shen Wei's  hand grazing his nipples which is sensative to his touched.

    "Xiao .... Wei..." He moan as he lean his head to him. He didn't  know his moaning making Shen Wei's  body temperature  up. "Stop moaning Yunlan or I might eat you up again!" But how can he stop moaning. When Shen Wei's  hand is pinching his nipples non stop while the other hand suddenly  went inside his pants and stroking his prize.

    Yunlan can't  help his body heat up as he cum unexpectedly  to his pants. "Xiao Wei!!! Aaaagh..." Shen Wei  chuckled, " I can't  believe  your easily turned  on what I am doing?" He suddenly  cage him. Yunlan was red and panting making  Shen Wei  retrieve his hand and lick the cum that came off  on Yunlan. Shen Wei  gentle gaze became predatory seeing Yunlan so flustered and panting underneath  him.

    Wothout any warning, Shen Wei  puled Yunlan pants as well as his. And took the lubricant  again. Placing an amount on his prize, he quickly position Yunlan and thrust to him slowly. Yunlan is getting use of Shen Wei  penetrating to him. As he can't  help to moan while his body arched  on its own. He scream Shen Wei  to move, making Shen Wei  rock his body unto him.

    He didn't  how many time Shen Wei  burst unto him or he spilled his seeds on Shen Wei  as they were drawn to a passionate  kiss and lovemaking. Making  everyone melt and the two of them all the matters.

     Yunlan didn't  realize as he sit up and kept kissing and riding on Shen Wei back and forth. The friction of their love making is making him wild in the bed while Shen Wei  is turning on every minute.

    Next few day, when Yunlan got better and Shen Wei  about to leave for work. Yunlan suddenly  cling to him tightly.  "Can I come with you? I can be a good secretary! Than that  woman whose always showing off his beautiful legs!" He pout. "Oh! You mean Windy? Well I heard she gave me her resignation for unknown reason?" As he think it maybe the work of his naughty didi but he just pass it because that  woman is not important unlike Yunlan.

     That made Yunlan sparkle his eyes, "That's  great then maybe I could be your secretary!" Shen Wei  think for a while if Yunlan will be his secretary  the outcome is he will only pounce him non stop in the office and he didn't want anyone to touch what his mine. Looking from Yunlan from head to foot, many of his employee women will gawking at him. "No! You can't!" As he reason that Yunlan have no experience  on being one.

     But that didn't  stop him from bugging him until they enter the dinning room which everyone is looking. "I know I don't  have any experience! But I'm easily can learn it! Why won't  you try me!" Hearing that plea make his grandfather  move, "Why not?! If  Wei  won't  let you be his secretary maybe Yezun will because his gonna work at his office with Wei now!" That made Shen Wei  widen  his eyes. While Yezun nod in reply. "No! His hired! He will be my secretary!" Shout Shen Wei  to them. Startling his grandfather, annoying his didi, making Da quing......nye doesn't  care, the children applaud  while it made Yunlan happy to hear it.

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