A Conflict Arrive

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     Yunlan and his friends where brought  to the mansion to live there. As they were given their respective rooms.

    When Yunlan was pulled by Shen Wei  toward their room. Yezun grip Yunlan's  arm. "Why are Yunlan staying at your room if you hate him!" He told straight  forward to Shen Wei.  Making Shen Wei  smirk, "This brat! I'll make you bleed to death in jealousy!" As he hugged  Yunlan to him.

    "My little  didi what are you talking about? Your just jealous  because Yunlan is mine now!" And kiss Yunlan passionately  infront of him. Yezun want to smack his gege but Da quing  prevented him.  "Your grandfather  is watching  both of you!" As he pulled him away from Yunlan and Shen Wei.

    Upon reaching their room, "That Yezun! Did you have feelings for him?!" He shout to Yunlan. "No! I consider him my best friend since  we grow up together." He suddenly  clutches Yunlan's  shirt. "Lier! You always  lie!" As he slapped  him. Yunlan was shocked  he didn't  anticipate his angel to do that.

    He suddenly  embrace Shen Wei.  "Please! Don't  get angry to me! I'm really telling the truth! Your the one I love! No one else!" While caressing Shen Wei's  soft dark hair and inhaling that sweet scent of him making Yunlan relax to his hold. Shen Wei  is having the same affect as well. "If you only didn't  lie to me!" He whispered  to himself.

    As he lightly pushed  Yunlan, "Then promise to me you won't  talk to him anymore! Or get near him! Don't  provoke me to do something  you'll regret!" He sternly  said as he hold  Yunlan's  shoulder. Yunlan nod just to apise  Shen Wei's  anger.

     "That's  my good wife!" As he caress Yunlan's  face. Yunlan was about to protest that his the husband. When Shen Wei  pushed  him into bed and kiss him hungrily, while straddling  his hips to him. Yunlan can't  help to moan into the kiss. "Take off your clothes!" He order him.

     Yunlan blink twice before sitting  up and taking off his shirt and pants. While Shen Wei  intensely gazing at him. Then he start kissing and caressing his body. "We will have lots of fun!" As Shen Wei  smirk. Yunlan gulp on why his the one underneath. As the night fall you will hear the screaming and moaning of Yunlan.

   The next day while having breakfast, Shen Wei  hurriedly  finished  his food and about to leave for work. "Why the hurry?" Ask his grandfather. "I have many works to finished. As he didn't  want to see Yunlan's  lost puppy face. Yunlan suddenly  followed him at the door. They didn't  notice, pair of eyes watching carefully at them. "What have you forgotten something?" Shen Wei  ask.

    Suddenly  he took an atm card, "Here buy a clothes or something! I will be late coming back home!" Yunlan suddenly  pulled him back for a kiss.  That made him shock.  "I love you! I'll be waiting for you to come back." As he smile to him. Shen Wei  just nod and left.

   "Heartless!" Yezun  suddenly  said. "Yezun! Your gege just miss out his job!" Said his grandfather. "I'll never forget  what he said! If you made Yunlan cried! I'll snatched  him back from you!" He told himself.

    He suddenly  got an idea. "Yunlan! Grandfather  is taking me to shopping  why don't  you go with us?!" Yunlan suddenly  remembered  Shen Wei's  words. "I'm sorry Yezun I can't!" But suddenly  he signal the children and Da quing.  As all of them begged  for him to come.

   While in the office Shen Wei's  secretary is flirting with him when Wang  and Zhu Hong came. They shoved the secretary  and glared to her.
"Wei! Why wont  you come and have lunch  with us!" As they gave him kisses on the cheeks. "Sorry ladies I'm busy!" But Zhu Hong cut him off. "Yes busy with the new secretary  I guess?" Shen Wei  laugh  and kiss them both. "Okay! Why  not!"

    In the shopping area Yezun bought  many clothes  for him, Yunlan  Da quing  and  the children. While they're  walking they bumped  into  Shen Wei  and his ladies friend. Shen Wei  was furious  that Yunlan is with Yezun. While Yunlan was angry as well when seeing Shen Wei  wrapped  around with the women.

    "Why are you with him?!" He ask. "Baby who is he? And that guy looks like you?!" Ask Zhu Hong. "Oh! That guy over  there is my lost brother who replace me recently! And this is my lier husband!" That made Yunlan shocked  on what he said. The women  giggle, "A lier husband? And your brother?!" Said Wang.

    "Who are they?!" Yunlan angrily said as he tried to hold his tears from dropping.   "They're  my fiancees before you came to the picture!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes, "I 'm your husband now! Why  are you with them?!" Suddenly  Yunlan felt a hand hold his.  "So this mean your giving up on Yunlan? And gaving him back to me?" Smirk Yezun.

    Shen Wei  got furious as he was caught  by his didi. He suddenly  took off both  Zhu Hong and Wang's  arms against his. And pulled Yunlan to him but Yezun pulled him back to him.
Shen Wei  glared at his didi. That made Yezun loose his grip to Yunlan's  arms.

    As Shen Wei  took him away from them. The children  ask  Da quing  on what's  happening.  "They're just playing tag your it!" As all the children nod.

   As the car of Shen Wei  came at a deserted park. They got off the car to talk.  "Tell  me! Why are you with Yezun! When I specifically  told you, you cannot talk or be with him?!" He angrily said. "The children begged  me to come! What about you?! Where already married! Am I enough not enough for you?!" He ask back. "But you lied  to me!" Shen Wei  suddenly  said.

    "So..... I  get it now! Your getting back at me for lying at you?! Huh?" But suddenly  Shen Wei  shout. "What if I said yes! Do you wanna divorce me now! Fine!" As he took his ring off and thrown  to Yunlan's  face.  As he get back at the car and drove away.


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