Taking Care of My Wife

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    Yunlan suddenly  hold Shen Wei  and made him laid in bed. "Don't  move!" I will take care of you!"

    As he move swiftly to get the breakfast at the kitchen. Yezun, Da quing  and the children was about to say good morning  to him when  he said he was in a hurry because Shen Wei  is pregnant and needed breakfast.

    "Do he know men can't  get pregnant?" Said Da quing  to Yezun. Yezun want to crush  his cup of coffee. His gege is twirling his beloved Yunlan in his finger. He can't  do anything because the fool is head over heels over his gege. "Idiot!" He muttered  to himself.  The children look puzzled at them.

   When Yunlan came with the breakfast, Shen Wei  was laughing  so hard. "Eh? What's  going on?" He ask. "Nothing....nothing!" As Shen Wei  wipe his tears. Yunlan sit beside him and spoon feed him. "Just tell me if your getting dizzy or something?" As he touched  his forehead.

    Shen Wei  blushed  furiously, no one cared for him this much, even looking like fool just for him. He suddenly  pulled Yunlan for a kiss. "Thanks!" Yunlan just smiled back to him.

    Outside at the dining table his grandfather discussing that  Shen Wei  should publicize his marriage to Yunlan and they  could  prepare a proper wedding for them. "Where are they anyway?" Ask his grandfather. Yezun explained  everything. That made his grandfather laugh.

    "Those two! They  can't  get enough of each other!" But his laugh stop seeing Yezun sad face. "Yezun maybe you should move on find  another one, there's  many eligible  single women or men there. If you want I'll find you one?" As his grandfather tease him. Yezun just  smile, but suddenly  a hand squeeze his hand. Da quing  knew his feelings for Yunlan  wont easily go away. Telling  him if he want a friend to talk too his there for him. His grandfather arched  his brow as Yezun suddenly  look at Da quing.

    Inside the bedroom Shen Wei  snuggle on Yunlan's  hold. "Xiao Wei  are you alright now?" He ask. Shen Wei  nod while caressing Yunlan chest.
"Will you really  take care of me if I'm pregnant?" He ask. "Why yes! Your my precious  wife!" And kiss his hand. "Wife! I'm your husband! Remember  your a Shen now!" As Shen  Wei  pout. Yunlan can't  help to love Shen Wei  looking so cute. And pulled him for a kiss or two.  "Allright! I'll be the wife!" As he hold his arms in the air, to look his defeat.

    Shen Wei  pulled him down for a series of kiss and hold Yunlan tightly. If we keep on doing this I might really make you pregnant?" As Yunlan tease. Shen Wei  shyly  blushed.  Not looking at him, "I don't  mind if you want too..."
That made Yunlan pop his eyes off. "Do you mean I can be on the top for a change?" He eagerly ask. "Just don't  tell the others!" Said Shen Wei.  Yunlan quickly nod. And took off Shen Wei  and his clothes off quickly.

    Outside the mansion, Cong Bo called Zhuiji as he finally found the house of the Shen who is heavily  guarded from the inside and outside. "Boss! I heard that their will be a party to introduce your brother as the new member of the Shen. Zhuiji want to break the cellphone that his holding, "What?!!!" As he think on how he can break into the mansion to get back his brother.

   Inside Shen Wei and Yunlan's  room. Both moaning and screaming. "Faster....faster Yunlan!" As Shen Wei  panting underneath him. Yunlan rocking his body unto Shen Wei. He suddenly  made him sit on his lap to thrust to him more. Making Shen Wei  yelp in surprise  as he hold to Yunlan tightly. While Yunlan gaving him rain of kisses on his neck and body.

    Shen Wei  can't  help to cum first,  because Yunlan making his body hot and flustered. "Aaaaah.....Yunlan...." Yunlan shiver and burst inside Shen Wei as he can't  help himself to eagerly response  to Shen Wei's  moaning. It's  making him hot and sexy. As Yunlan don't  want to be apart from Shen Wei.  And keeping say I love you to him. Looking at Shen Wei's  beautiful,  blushing face. Panting that he want more.

    As he kept screaming while Yunlan rocking his body faster as he burst several times to him. And both fall in exhaustion.  Yunlan pulled Shen Wei  to his embrace and kiss him. "You didn't  know that your making me crazy for you and  that I don't  want  to let go of you." Shen Wei  giggle a little.  As he went  to the the top of Yunlan.

    "That  should be my line?" While caressing his body.  I own everything about you! Your heart and body! It only belongs to me!" While pecking on his lips. Yunlan on the other hand caressing Shen Wei's  back unto his firm butt. Shen Wei  lean to his body to hear that heart beat that only beats for him.

   Until  a knock disturb  them. Shen Wei  pulled himself off on Yunlan making him gasp a little. Yunlan on the other hand made his angel lied down on their bed and cover him up in a blanket.  "I'll be coming back! Just wait for me!" And kiss him on both cheeks making Shen Wei  giggle again.

   As he open the door.  The butler of Shen Wei  told them that  Mr. Shen wanted to talk to them at the library, as they're  being called. But suddenly a piece of paper was handed to Yunlan. "Some one gave it to you sir!" As the butler leave.

   Closing the door Yunlan told Shen Wei  to put on some clothes his grandfather want to tell him something and wants them to meet in the library. While Shen Wei  was busy putting his shirt and pants. Yunlan read on the letter and widen his eyes as it said, "Why did you marry our enemy!"  Your brother Zhuiji.

    "How big brother  find me!" As he started to panic and remember  everything when they're  were kids.  Someone  shoot a man infront of him. And the smile of his father after the man fall on the ground. Yunlan didn't  notice Shen Wei  was calling for him. As he shake him. Yunlan crumble the paper and put it in his pocket. "Are you alright?! You look pale!" Said Shen Wei  as he look worried. "Yes why would I not be!" As he tried to smile at Shen Wei.

I LOVE MY FAKE WIFEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum