Yunlan Got Sick

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     While they're  driving away, "Sir! Isn't  it heartless you done that to your wife? Even I can't  do that to him!"

    Shen Wei  glare to Mr. Ming making him shut his mouth. As they're  driving away, he saw the hurtful expression  of Yunlan's  face at the side mirror, making his own heart  hurt a lot.

    "Argh.....why did I do that?" He told to himself. Yunlan on the other hand was shocked  and speechless. His gentle angel became a devil and broke up with him. As he pick up the ring. He clutches  it toward his heart and walk to the other direction.

    Suddenly  the rain came pouring down, that made Shen Wei  worried as he instructed  Mr. Ming to go back. Only to find Yunlan is missing. He kept calling him but no answer came. Yunlan on the other hand was walking straight to a concrete road. When suddenly  a truck was speeding toward him.

    The truck blow his horn so Yunlan will run fast to the other side. But Yunlan's  mind is in another place not minding the danger coming. He was almost hit by a truck luckily a hand pulled  him back to safety.

    "Are you crazy!" Shout Shen Wei. "Why did you came back?! I thought  it's  over between  the two of us?!" As he saw his eyes red from crying. Suddenly  he lost concious.  There Shen Wei  discover Yunlan is having a high fever. As he carried him back to the car and gone back home.

    Yezun on the other hand have gone back home with his grandfather,  Da quing  and the children. As he saw Yunlan been carried toward their drenched  in water  he ran toward. "Bastard! What did you do to him?!" As he was about to hold Yunlan. "DON'T  TOUCHED  MY WIFE!" He shout.

    Both brothers  intensely  look at each other. "Stop it you two! Let's  change first Yunlan's  clothes!" Shout Da quing.   Shen Wei  gone quickly to their  room as he lock it he change Yunlan's  clothes with his dry clothes and wiping him with a drench towel.

    He suddenly  open Yunlan other hand who is holding something.  His ring! Shen Wei  smiled upon seeing the ring and quickly put it back on him. "You think you can rid me that quickly!" He said. And kiss his forehead. As both laid on their bed.

     While Yunlan on the other hand having a bad dream. Shen Wei  was leaving him for the two girls. "No! Don't  leave!" As he trying to reach for him.  Shen Wei  stir seeing what  Yunlan's  doing. He took his hand to his and embrace his wife. Yunlan frown face change and relax to Shen Wei's  hold.

     Suddenly  Yunlan cute brown open, "Am I dreaming? As he cuddle to Shen Wei's  hold. Shen Wei  suddenly kiss him while feeling if Yunlan's  fever subside. "No! Just sleep for now." While caressing  Yunlan's  face, Shen Wei  gave him rain of kisses. As he fall asleep in his arms.

    " can I punish you if your always looking like a lost puppy. Haist! Your melting my cold heart whenever you do that!" As he sleep beside him.

    Next morning  at breakfast, "Sir? Why are you still in your sleeping attire? Aren't  you gonna work?" Ask his new secretary. "Cancel all my meeting! My wife is sick." He said. "Even our dinner?" Ask the new secretary.

    That time Yezun came upon hearing it, "Gege! You can go to your date while I'll take care of Yunlan!" He straight forward  said it to the new secretary's face.  The new secretary swallowed  hard and felt embarrassed.  "Didi! Yunlan is my wife! I will take care of him!" He angrily said.

    "Huh? And how about this whore of secretary of yours?!" As he smirk to the woman who shrink at Shen Wei's  back.
"Didi watch your word!" He shout. "No! I won't! I want  Yunlan to know how his husband take cares of his other women! And you Miss remembered  this! Flirt more with my gege I will make your life a living hell!" He shout to her and left.

    "Mr. Shen what were gonna do?!" She ask worriedly. " You made this mess! You fix it! As I told you to cancel  everything! I'm taking care of my wife!" As he pound the table and left her. While the other  servants tried not to laugh at her.

    Inside their room, Yunlan cough and tried to go to the bathroom. He almost slip up when a hands hold his waist and pulled  him to his embrace. "What are you doing here? I thought you have already left?" Yunlan ask. "I taken a leave! Your sick, I'm gonna take care of you!" As he help Yunlan  going in the bathroom.

    As he help him wipe his face and change his clothes. While changing clothes, Shen Wei  can't  help to gawk to Yunlan's  flawless, lean, tan muscular body while putting his shirt on. Shen Wei  suddenly  embrace him from behind. Making Yunlan startle. "I thought  you hate me and didn't  want to see me again?" He ask.

    "I still hate you for lying to me! This is an exception because your sick!" While Shen Wei  nuzzling to Yunlan's  back. Yunlan notice the ring on Shen Wei's  finger, that made him smile as their is hope that  they're  love is still inside of him.

    Yunlan fake his dizziness.  Making Shen Wei  lift him up toward their bed. While carrying him. Yunlan can't  help to smell the sweet scent of his Xiao Wei  making him cling tightly to his neck. He didn't  notice Shen Wei  have already laid him on the bed. "Don't  leave!" As he pulled Shen Wei  back to laid besidd him.

    Shen Wei  can't  help to caressed  his soft brown hair and pulled him for a kiss

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    Shen Wei  can't  help to caressed  his soft brown hair and pulled him for a kiss. Yunlan slighty pushed him back. "I don't  want  you to catch a flu!" But Shen Wei  replied him by capturing his plump lips. "Then let me get the flu, so I can be beside you!" And kiss him on th forehead, cheeks and linger on the lips that he love to kiss so much.

     "If you keep on doing this I might like getting sick, because your always beside me!" As Yunlan embrace him. "Hey! I still didn't  get my revenge on you!" As Shen Wei  tease him. "Then do everything you wanted to do to me! I won't  complain! Just be with me!" Said Yunlan. Shen Wei  smirk. "That's  my little wife!" Whispered  to himself.

    Outside the mansion Wang and Zhu Hong tried to entered the house but Yezun blocked  their way. As he told to the guards. To not let  the two in or they will be fired. "Let's  see Gege if your  women can  get near you! As I'm always here! And you won't get your revenge on Yunlan!"


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