He Belongs With Me

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     While Yunlan was waiting in his room eating his breakfast. Shen Wei  came furiously.

    He suddenly  thrown the files in the startled Yunlan. "Is this is the reason why you want a divorce?!" He shout. Yunlan pick up the files with the picture of his family.  His hands shake, "Xiao.....We! Where did you get this?" Yunlan ask.

    "For your information! The wedding will continue! I won't  divorce you weather you like it or not! Because your mine!" As he hold Yunlan tightly.

    "I can see in your eyes you also have the same feelings for me! I won't  let you go!" As he captured Yunlan's  lips. Yunlan can't  avoide Shen Wei's  soft, pink lips, as he know he still love him dearly and will do anything for him.

    When he break the kiss, "Promise me Yunlan you will help me capture your father and brother!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes. "No! No! I don't want to see them!" He suddenly  back away from Shen Wei.  But Shen Wei  hold him again, "If we don't  capture them! They will harm us! Do you want  to be taken away from me?!"  He ask. Yunlan shake his head. "No!"

   "Then help me captured them! Or else you won't  see me again!" That made Yunlan nod. While Shen Wei  smirk, "They will never know what hit them! And his son will help me capture that man! That killed my parents!" He whispered  to himself.

    As he made Yunlan rest for a while in their room, to plan on what to do.  He was met by Yezun. "Gege! I think it's  not good for Yunlan to see his father! I can see his frighten  to that man!" Shen Wei  smirk. " Are you ear's dropping  from our conversation? We must capture that man and his family for killing our parents! Don't  you want revenge for our parents?!" He ask. "Why yes! But to use Yunlan for bait I cannot allow it!"  Said Yezun. But Shen Wei  suddenly  shoved him as Yezun hit the wall.

    "I will do what  I want to do! I'm the heir of this nation! And your my didi  who will follow what  I say!" As he left him dumbfounded.

     Shen Wei  went to his grandfather  to tell him what he plan. "So you still won't  divorce Yunlan?" He ask. "No! His mine grandfather  and beside he will be the bait to lure that big shark to be captured!" His grandfather think and nod in reply. "Okay! I will listen to your plan."

    In the room of Yunlan, Da quing  came to visit him, since Yezun can't  go to his room because Shen Wei  might get jealous  to him. "Is it true your family is the pirate Zhao?" Yunlan nod in reply. Da quing  gasp, "Is it true too that  you'll be the bait to lure your father  and brother out?!" Yunlan nod again.

    "Are you out of your mind! What  if you got hurt in the middle of their fighting?! What is  Shen Wei thinking?!" He was cut off by Yunlan. "This is the only help I can give to Shen Wei.  Since my father order his men to kill his parents." As Yunlan look at the window.

   "My father, Zhao Yurong his one of the ruthless  pirate in the sea.  I once saw him kill a man and smile. I got bit a trauma there, that's  why my mother divorce him and went back to the city to live there with me. But my happy life became short as she never came back for me."  Unknown to them theirs a hidden microphone  that Shen Wei  place under their nightstand.

    As he heard everything that Yunlan said. "Sir are you sure it's  a right thing that we spy on your wife?" Said one of the operator. "We need it, to find the hideout of his father." As he listen to the  conversation  of Yunlan and Da quing.

   After for a while as Da quing  left, Shen Wei  came without a warning or knock on the door. Yunlan was taking a bath now in their tub and silently  resting his head on the side of the tub.
He was surprised  as Shen Wei  accompanied  him in the tub. As he pulled Yunlan to lean to his body.
     As they were settle down. "So do you heard everything  I said?" Ask Yunlan. Shen Wei was a bit shock on how Yunlan knew that he was spying on him. "How did you knew?" While caressing Yunlan's  soft,  brown hair.  At first I didn't  know, but I notice a blinking underneath the nightstand."

     That made Shen Wei  smile, "What is your looking for at the nightstand  anyway? As you notice the spy gadget. " He ask. While pressing a kiss on Yunlan's cheek.

     He suddenly  took a lubricant at the side of the tub. "Because I knew you were coming." Shen Wei smirk into it. "Do you want to try it on me Yunlan? Just promise me you would help me in finding  your family?" Yunlan think for a moment.

    Minute pass, Shen Wei  have close the spy gadget and was panting underneath  Yunlan. Yunlan can't  help to thrust  his body non stop to him as he heard Shen Wei  moan beautifully while kissing his neck and hot body. "Xiao Wei! I love you! I'll do anything you ask!" He whispered  to his ear while nibbling it.

     Shen Wei  was a moaning mess and can't  form a word. As Yunlan making that delicious  friction, as he cum early than he expected. "Dam! Ah Lan! Your becoming good in bed every minute! I can't  stand to be away from you in a day!" As he kept arching his body everytime  Yunlan thrusted at him.

    At the other place in another island, Mr. Zhao looking at his family picture while touching at the picture of youngest son face.  "I miss my little  boy." He suddenly swing his seat facing his eldest son, Zhuiji. "Tell me when will you get your brother back home?! I want him in my arms again!" As he pound on the  table.  "Father! His with the Shen and....."

    Suddenly  his father struck a dagger on the table making Zhuiji back away. "What is that you want from Yunlan?! His not your real son but uncle Xinci! I knew that woman is trouble when you let her stay here with his son!" Within a minute his father stand and chocked him with his other hand. "His my son and your brother, Zhuiji! Get him and his mother will join him here!" As he shoved Zhuiji. Zhuiji left in a hurry with his men.



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