"Aunt Fern...I'm going back to check on the house ok?" I asked.

But I didn't wait for her reply and left the house quickly making sure that I didn't leave the pills behind.

I took a taxi and went back to the house.

The car I bought looked as if it caught fire.

I sighed and shook my head.

I guess I have to buy a new one then.

The house was completely fine...Except for the fallen door and a few broken vases.

I went to my room which was a mess.

The bed sheets were torn.

My phone and laptop were stolen.

The drawers were opened widely and there was broken glass all over the floor.

Then there was a writing on the wall above my bed which said Die in bold red big letters.

I sighed and shook my head.

He's even stupider then I thought.

Then I heard footsteps running upstairs towards me and yelling for me to not move.

I climbed down the ladder by my window and ran as fast as I can making sure that my wallet is with me.

I bought a new phone and a new SIM card.

Then made my way back to the Kirigun's.

(Meanwhile at the Kirigun's household)

Tharn's P.O.V:

Khuan Fern started her daily work with Ai Type.

I tried to text Lhong so many times but he didn't answer any of my texts so I decided to give up.

I was spending time with Ai Thanya while they worked at the garden.

After some time Ai Thanya went for piano practice and I started playing a game on my phone.

P'Thorn came in and said that he saw Lhong's brother P'Krit at the mall.

"Lhong is at the hospital" P'Thorn said.

I sighed heavily.

"P'Thorn can you please talk to him...I mean I hate him...I really do because of what he did to Ai Type and Ai Tar...But I also know that he doesn't deserve what's coming for him whatever it is" I said.

"Ai Krit said that he was admitted to the hospital because of severe illness" P'Thorn said.

"I don't know what's happening exactly but I think he should just leave...I mean there's no reason for him to stay here anymore" I said sighing.

"That still doesn't make sense" P'Thorn said.

We stayed silent for some time.

"Are you in trouble?...Should I be worried?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not in trouble P...But Lhong is...I don't know what I should do...I tried my best...But maybe he might listen to someone else...Maybe he will listen to you P" I said.

P'Thorn sighed and nodded.

"What do you want me to say to him then?" He asked.

"Tell him that he should be careful... Better yet leave Bangkok" I said.

"I don't know exactly what happened but tell me what you know...You can tell me anything" He said.

"It's not possible P I'm really sorry... But Ai Type will be worried if not horrified if that secret comes out...Please try to convince Lhong to do as I said" I said standing up.

Not So Innocent (In Six Months Bonus Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now