Chapter 23

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[ (y/n)'s POV ]

[ Time Skip ]

It was late at night and we were all gathered together in a room because Hange wanted to talk to us about something important.

"So what is it, Section Commander?"

"I was able to get my hands on the background report for Annie Leonhart. According to this, there were two others belonging to the 104th Cadet Corps who came from the same area as her. And those two are- "

"- Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover."

Everyone looked at me surprised.

"How do you.."

"It's.. it's a long story. Please continue." I nervously chuckled.

"Well, thanks to the chaos five years ago, pretty much all of their family records are spotty or missing. However, during the long-range scouting formation their unit was given false information. They were among those purposely told that Eren was in the right wing."

"T-The Female Titan attacked from the right wing!" Armin exclaimed.

"Huh? What does that mean?" asked Sasha.

"That it's possible they passed on that information to Annie."

"But why would they tell Annie?"

"Hey hold on a minute Armin! You can't just-"

"We know, Eren. By itself, that's not enough to prove anything." interrupted Hange. "So just in case, I'd like to hear from you, or rather, (y/n), how these three interacted during training. Know anything?"

"Well, there were times where the two boys would whisper to each other, but I never saw them talk to Annie directly. Only side glances maybe. They couldn't really talk during my training anyways because I would shout at them." I said, crossing my arms.

"I knew that Reiner and Berthold were from the same place but they didn't seem close to Annie." added Armin.

"I agree. I don't recall ever seeing the pair talking to Annie that much." said Eren. "Though, Annie didn't talk much in the first place."

"When we ate, Annie would always sit alone and munch on food by herself." whispered Sasha.

"Would it be possible for them to have keept an agreed distance between each other?" I asked.

"But as their comrade I'd find it hard to believe. Set aside, Bertholdt, who doesn't say much." Eren spoke.

"Annie didn't say much either but look at where she is now." I said annoyed.

"Reiner is like everyone's big brother, and he's not devious enough to deceive all of us!"

"Reiner isn't who you think he is."

Everyone went silent.

"He was eavesdropping on our last meeting. Then, when I went to the dinning hall he magically appeared out of nowhere and basically threatened me to stop digging into their past and stuff because I was talking to you guys about my suspicions of Annie being the Female Titan."

"It's true. I was going to check up on (y/n) and I saw him whispering some shit." said Levi.

"(y/n) why didn't you say anything?" Hange asked worried.

"I didn't want to put you guys into any trouble.."

Then Armin spoke up.

"I think I have to agree with Eren. Reiner gave everything he had fighting the Female Titan with me. He would have gotten crushed in her hand if he hadn't.."

"What's wrong?"

"Reiner managed to escape but.. Annie suddenly changed her course and ran in the direction of Eren. I did mention that Eren might be at the rear of the center rank. But Annie was too far away to hear.."

"Did Reiner seem overly interested in Eren's location?" asked Hange.

Armin's eyes widened.

"I-I only started talking about Eren's position because Reiner was the one who asked about it first. When that happened, the Female Titan was staring at her palm. He might have written a message with his blades in her hand. Reiner could've.."

Everyone gasped, throwing side glances at eachother.

This is insane.

"What the hell.. Why are you saying things like this? You should-"

"Eren! By putting two and two together, it is possible that they might've had a plan. Maybe they still do!" I exclaimed.

"Everyone listen up! Supposing that we find Reiner or Bertholdt, act in such a way as to not reveal any suspicions. Of course, do not mention Annie either. Regardless, if they are Annie's accomplices or not, we need to lead them deep underground and confine them. Does everyone understand?" said Hange.


[ Time Skip ]

We were on top of the walls and Eren seemed to be talking to Reiner and Bertholdt.

Tsk. What is that kid doing.

Suddenly, the wind blew our red flag away, making it fall on the other side of the wall. Everyone stopped moving and glanced at each other.

"That's it. I've been here too long for my own good. It's been three long years.. surrounded by nothing but idiots. We were just kids. We didn't know anything! If only I never knew that there were people like this.. I wouldn't have become such a half-assed piece of shit!" Reiner suddenly blurred out. "It's too late now.. I don't know what's right anymore. But the only choice for me now is to face the consequences of my actions."

He slowly unwrapped the bandages from his injured arm, showing us the smokes that came out of it. My eyes widened as I instinctively gripped my gear.

"And as a warrior.. fulfill my duty to the bitter end!"

"Reiner! Are we doing it? Now? Right here?"

I took out my blade and pointed it at them.

"Stop it." I harshly ordered.

"Yeah.. we settle this. Right here. Right NOW!"

Before he could react I attacked him, slashing his hand off with my blades. Mikasa jumped at Bertholdt and sliced his neck as well, preventing him from transforming.

"Eren! Run!" she shouted. But before she attacked Bertholdt again, Reiner pushed her away.

Sparks started coming out of Reiner's body.

"He is going to transform! Eren get the hell away from them!"

But it was too late. Bertholdt and Reiner had transformed into their Titan forms, Reiner getting a hold of Eren not long after.

"You damn traitors!!" he screamed.

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