"Fur Elise" by District 78

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AN: *cringe* I have an enormous Author note this time, feel free to skip it if you want. I struggled so hard with this chapter. I tried and tried. I like it fine and some good conversations are had, but it's not as fun as some of my others. I honestly have no idea if I will update this story in April. I want to but there are a few things against me in this. #1 I work in transportation and it has been fucking brutal. Please be nice to those big trucks you see on the road, they are hauling things to get us back to normal including medical supplies, cleaning supplies, and basic quality of life items like trash bags and cat litter. And Toilet Paper. Let's not forget the toilet paper. #2 I have had to make alternate arrangements for my daughter and her schooling (she's staying with my mom during the week) so I am spending more time on the road to see her in the afternoons and then turning around and going home to get up and go back to work the next morning. #3 my muse has been kidnapped. So far I haven't received a ransom, but I have had a one-shot and a new Harry Potter fic take over her previous spot. So I'm hoping if I take care of their needs they'll let her come back. I'd love you to go read those stories and give me your feedback.  

 Please, please, please take care of yourselves and be safe when you interact with the world at large. This is a very scary time for lots of people. Be safe.

In a completely unrelated note, I almost squealed out loud at work when I was added to SynchroClaire's reading list. #1 I love her Numb3rs cross over and #2 It put me in really really good company as far as other stories go. 

Standard disclaimer! I only own Lory. Everything else is the property of C.L.Stone. Constructive criticism is welcome and even requested, but flames will be used to make s'mores. I love votes and views. Please let me know your favorite lines and moments. Happy Reading.


Henry Anderson stopped on his way into Bob's Diner to admire the mural on the wall. It was good. He was grudgingly impressed with Marcus's diner. And he was self-aware enough to acknowledge that he was just the tiniest bit jealous that Lory was living with Marcus and not at home with his family and it was skewing his appreciation of the diner. He had timed his visit carefully. He was arriving between lunch and dinner rush, hoping that Marcus would have a chance to talk while Lily took Sang and Lory out for coffee. What the girls didn't know couldn't bite him in the ass.

Once he was settled he asked his waiter to let Marcus know he was here.

"Marcus?" The young man looked at him blankly.

"Marcus Taylor? He owns the diner," Hery said thinking the boy very stupid.

"Oh!" You could almost see the proverbial lightbulb click on over the kid's head. "You mean Uncle. I'll let him know you're here!"

The kid made himself scarce.

Kid, Henry scoffed to himself. He's probably older than Lory. And younger than most of the guys on the Toma Team.

Marcus came out of the kitchen still wearing his apron and carrying two plates with sandwiches and fries. They both started in on their meals and after a few bites Marcus cleared his throat breaking the uncomfortable awkward silence.

"I don't know if I'm pleased to see you or not," Marcus said honestly.

Henry snorted. "Well, the last time I saw you Lory nearly killed herself getting away from us. How's she doing?"

"Fine, I think."

"You think?" Henry glared at the other man.

It was Marcus's turn to snort at Henry. "I don't see her much. She works the floor after school with the boys. Sometimes." He rolled his eyes on the last word.

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