"Rumour Has It" by Adele

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AN: I only claim Lory the rest of them belong to C.L.Stone. Constructive Criticisms are welcome, Flames will be used to make S'mores. I love seeing new views and votes. It encourages me to continue writing this. 

The most important part of successfully breaking and entering is not getting caught. Getting caught is bad. It leads to arrests and jail and then there's arrest records to worry about. Messy, messy, messy. Lory Anderson has a clean record and would like to keep it that way. Thank you very much.

Lory was hiding out and watching camera feeds as Principle Hendricks sat and worked on his computer. She has to get him out of that office. In a perfect world she would prefer to get the whole office out of the office. The longer the drive she attached to the back of his computer stayed there the more likely it was to be found. She couldn't wait until school was over; she had a meeting at the hospital and then the meeting with the B-team. It has to happen now.

So friggin used to not having back up you forget you've got it. Get it together Lory.

She shook her head at herself in disgust. Before switching off the feeds and opening the messaging app. Time to get some outside ideas.

Lory: I need 10 uninterrupted minutes in H office.

It didn't take long for the reply to come back.

Blackbourn: Why?

Lory: Borrowing your specialty. Any ideas how to accomplish the move?

Blackbourne: Possibly.

Lory: Do those possibilities include clearing the whole office?

Blackbourne: No. Only a fire drill would do that.

Lory: Now why didn't I think of that? 

Lory turned her phone to silent and ignored the follow up text she was pretty sure was going to be telling her no and opened an interface on a separate phone. This one was less of a burner phone and more a red herring phone. It led to McCoy. This phone interfaced with all the schools systems. If this was noticed it would all lead back to the former VP. It really paid to know good tech people. Her tech skills began and ended with utilizing what others created. 

Well apart from that one time... 

 Flicking through the systems she had access to so found one for fire suppression.

"Everything's automated these days...," Lory smirked and set up a full scale system check. "That oughta do it." Moving quickly she set herself as close to office as she dared. The delay she had programmed in giving just enough time for her to get where she needed to be. She just remembered to turn off the cameras.

The fire alarms started blaring and Lory managed to slip into the office as the last person comes out. She walked quickly down the hall to Hendricks office. In the spirit of the 6 Ps Lory had a master key made. She could now open any door in the school. Janitors should be more careful with where they leave their keys while on lunch. All it took a was couple seconds to make a mold and voila. Master Keys are faster than lock picks and less messy than bump keys. They are however limited to a single building. Tradeoffs for everything.

Sliding through the door she made quick work of removing the drive and inserting a thumb drive into an empty slot. She moved around and clicked on the popup.

"Install 'Cheshire Cat'?"

Absolutely install the Cheshire Cat. I want to copies of all his conversations.

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