Hi there! I'm a junior in college majoring in biochemistry and French. I did synchronized swimming in high school, but I've since moved on to water polo. I enjoy drinking hot tea and solving Rubick's cubes, plus reading and writing in my spare time.
  • انضمNovember 1, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
SynchroClaire SynchroClaire Jan 25, 2019 06:36PM
I just published my first book, The Truth in Terres, on Amazon! Here’s a link and blurb for anyone who’s interested in checking it out. Link: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Terres-Trials-Trinium-Book...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Claire
Numb3r 10 بقلم SynchroClaire
Numb3r 10
Numb3r 10 is a crossover between C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series and the TV show Numb3rs. Dr. Sang Sorenson...
Ghost Bird بقلم SynchroClaire
Ghost Bird
Everybody knows the cast of Ghost Bird- the hit TV show has brought them from relative anonymity to media fam...
Voyager 52 بقلم SynchroClaire
Voyager 52
Voyager 52 is an Academy fanfiction with chapters written by Jordiscy, ladyshiny, Savyss, and SynchroClaire...
5 قوائم قراءة