"Another Chance" by Black Violin

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AN: This might be the last chapter for a while as I will be moving in the next few weeks. I also really want to up a couple of recommendations of a few other WIPs by other authors. Please go read and enjoy. I know that all you lovelies encourage me so much with your votes and comments and feel we should spread the love. First is an original team in "Masquerade" by lauail, second is our lovely Blackbournes in "Key to their Heart" by my loverly beta topy0848 , and Sang gets all 14 of CL's brilliant boys in "When the Lights Went Out" by  roxandsand and "Driven to Destiny" by BijinMum

Now for the ubiquitous disclaimer! I only own Lory. Everything else is the property of C.L.Stone. Constructive criticism is welcome and even requested, but flames will be used to make s'mores. I love votes and views. Please let me know your favorite lines and moments. Happy Reading.


I finally stumbled into the apartment with a smile on my face. I'd had a long day at the building site, but a good one and I'm ready to clean up and relax. The texts I'd received that morning hadn't hurt.

Lory: My brothers are overbearing, but mean well. Now that you know they'll try to run interference, still want that date?

Me: Absolutely. How should I make your eggs tomorrow morning?

Lory: 😂 wow...you have no sense of self preservation. Even easy going Sean would kill you!

Marc: Aw, the Doc loves me. Besides we never said where I'd be making them for you. 😉

Lory: Which is why Sean dragged me away? Because he approves so much? You basically just propositioned me. He'd kill you, but only if he beat Owen and North to the punch. I will meet you for a coffee tomorrow morning....IN PUBLIC.

Lory: At least for the first date it should be in public.😉

Well that sounded like she was expecting a second date. Hot damn.

Damn Raven for being observant, though. He'd noticed my change in mood.

"Take the fruit cup."


"Whatever girl that was, take the fruit cup."

"Its Sang's trainer and the Blackbourne team's sister," I stressed the last part so he would understand just what he was suggesting. Harmless flirtation and a few dates is fine...I knew the fruit cups meant a serious interest though, and while I might be interested, this could go wrong so many ways.

"Definitely take the fruit cup. It will piss off South. I have extras."

"Man..." I didn't argue. It really wasn't worth it.

"What does she look like?" He asked. I almost answered him, too. Then, I saw the mischief in his eyes.

"Would you tell you?" I asked echoing Axel and Brandon's question from Saturday morning.

"Yes. Because I know even if you knew her, you could not steal a girl from me."

"I don't think you could steal her," because she isn't mine yet. Yet? Where did 'yet' come from? I sound like I'm already serious about going after this girl. I should of my thoughts as we continued the roofing. "If something went wrong, Sang could get stuck in the middle."

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